It's almost like my life is a fairytale.

I'd always dreamed of a fairytale wedding.

The fairytale has turned into a nightmare.

I'm just not built for fairytale surprises.

The way to read a fairy tale is to throw yourself in.

… for nightinggales - we know - can’t live on fairytales.

A nation that has no music and no fairytales is a tragedy.

I'm not always going to keep waiting for a fairytale ending.

Fiction is based on reality unless you're a fairytale artist.

I love stories, I love myths, I love fairytales, I love Kafka.

I think part of being an adult is leaving the fairytale behind.

I didn't break into comics to write fairytales or crime comics.

If you can see the magic in a fairytale, you can face the future.

I am a fairytale person and firmly believe that movies are made to entertain.

To play someone I loved in my favourite fairytale as a kid is a total honour.

We love each other like matches in the dark. We don't talk, we catch fire instead

I would compete in unicorn back riding! Why? Because we are from the same fairytale.

Were I asked, what is a fairytale? I should reply, Read Undine: that is a fairytale.

A fairytale is not an allegory. There may be allegory in it, but it is not an allegory.

Edinburgh is a sort of gothic fairytale city, and it can be a gothic horror city as well.

Everyone who was ever told a fairytale knows what happens to women who do their own magic.

I don't think life is this Instagram fairytale everyone makes it out to be. Life is super heavy.

I am not trying to give an image of a fairytale, perfect, everything else, I am just being myself.

Fairy tales are experienced by their hearers and readers, not as realistic, but as symbolic poetry.

There is the great lesson of 'Beauty and the Beast,' that a thing must be loved before it is lovable.

The Old Testament is full of poetry, prophecies, chronicles, documentations, storytelling, fairytales.

Girls may love movies about fairytale princes, but their most captivating romance is with their friends.

Sweden will always be my home, since my childhood there was like a fairytale, so I'll always go back to it.

It's a fairytale so tragic there's no prince to break the spell. I don't believe in magic, but for you I will

Cinderella is not only an iconic character when it comes to beauty, grace and fairytale love, but also shoes.

I love fairytales. I like fantasy a lot, science fiction, I like magic. I like to create magic. I love magic.

Not many things bug me, but if there's one thing that does, it's the idea that my story is a football fairytale.

In a utilitarian age, of all other times, it is a matter of grave importance that fairy tales should be respected.

I foresee that the Andersen and Fairy Tale fashion will not last; none of these things away from general nature do.

You can understand a lot about yourself by working out which fairytale you use to present your world to yourself in.

Anyone who still wants to experience fairytales these days can’t afford to dither when it comes to using their brains.

This is a modern fairytale. No happy endings. No wind in our sails. But I can't imagine a life without. Breathless moments.

People want to see a magical fairytale story, but the reality is that I spent a lot of time making music alone in my bedroom.

My first record was about childhood. There were a lot of nursery rhyme and fairytale references; it was all about being naive.

I like him as a guy, but I'm going to knock him out - Roy Jones is just a prop in a fairytale ending to a great career for me.

I’ve always loved fairytales, and I’ve loved the concept of, um, some of the best parts of a lot of stories are the beginning.

I find it ironic that happy endings now are called fairytale endings because there's nothing happy about most fairytale endings.

I can't just only be on reality TV and show everything when it's the fairy princess, fairytale, and then not take my hits when I have to.

'Cry Baby' is like this fairytale version of me. A lot of it is based on real events, and some of it is made up to make it more whimsical.

The more truly we can see life as a fairytale, the more clearly the tale resolves itself into war with the dragon who is wasting fairyland.

The Nobel prize is a fairytale for a week and a nightmare for a year. You can't imagine the pressure to give interviews, to go to book fairs.

Put it this way, I'm a romantic, emotional guy that lives and breathes football and believes in fairytale stories; 'Rocky,' things like that.

I guess I kind of lived in a fairytale world... looking at everything through rose-colored glasses. I probably always will, to a certain extent.

A lot of people would think I have led this easy kind of charmed life, or maybe even a fairytale in some ways. But it has been anything but that.

'One Tree Hill' was my very first television audition; it was a fairytale. I feel really lucky to have that level of success right out of the gate.

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