Believe everything you read

God is with me, helping me.

You plus God equals enough.

Faith lives in honest doubt.

I know whom I have believed.

Fear clogs; Faith liberates.

I'm thankful I have my faith.

Work without love is slavery.

Reason is the enemy of faith.

Faith is a great gift to have.

I live by faith and not sight.

Holiness sincerity, and faith.

I've lost my faith in science.

Leap, and the net will appear.

Real worship involves waiting.

Faith is the refusal to panic.

To me faith means not worrying.

Faith is under the left nipple.

Discouragement is not from God.

Faith Hill is a big role model.

We walk by faith, not by sight.

For man plans, but God arranges.

Have faith in your own thoughts.

My television is the tabernacle.

Faith is not contrary to reason.

Faith is a passionate intuition.

Obedience is the fruit of faith.

See the Face of God in everyone.

Faith is the enemy of discovery.

Faith is a function of the heart.

I have faith in my imperfections!

Prayer is the oxygen of the soul.

Faith is reason grown courageous.

Faith is a continuation of reason.

Faith and optimism are contagious.

I fight fairly, and in good faith.

They always win who side with God.

God is even kinder than you think.

March on, the Lord is our General.

God always takes the simplest way.

They lose nothing who gain Christ.

Faith is caught rather than taught.

In the end, we know God as unknown.

In Los Angeles, everyone is a star.

Our life must answer for our faith.

Faith is obedience, not compliance.

Faith only grows through suffering.

Faith is spiritualized imagination.

I talk to God but the sky is empty.

Faith is trust in ultimate meaning.

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