Remember God is not surprised by your inabilities, your ...

Remember God is not surprised by your inabilities, your imperfections, or your faults.  He has always known everything about you that you are just now finding out, and he chose you on purpose for himself.

We are all wonderful, beautiful wrecks. That's what connects us-that ...

We are all wonderful, beautiful wrecks. That's what connects us-that we're all broken, all beautifully imperfect.

You are imperfect, permanently and inevitably flawed. And you are ...

You are imperfect, permanently and inevitably flawed. And you are beautiful.

Imperfection is fine.

Imperfection is perfection.

Existence is an imperfection.

I find beauty in imperfection.

Imperfections define perfection

There's beauty in imperfection.

I have faith in my imperfections!

Imperfection means perfection hid.

Perfection itself is imperfection.

Imperfection is the new perfection.

We are perfect in our imperfection.

Evil then results from imperfection.

I do think imperfection's underrated.

Imperfections make you more beautiful.

In my eyes, perfection is imperfection

Imperfections don’t make something ugly.

I am a collection of dismantled almosts.

Are imperfections is which make we grate.

Imperfections make someone perfect to me.

There is a kind of beauty in imperfection.

The eye always fills in the imperfections.

Where imperfection ceaseth, heaven begins.

Imperfection is a core dimension of freedom.

There is beauty and humility in imperfection.

Klutziness is endearing. I like imperfection.

There is always a but in this imperfect world.

Monsters are the patron saints of imperfection.

Your imperfections are what make you beautiful.

I embrace the imperfections and celebrate them.

Piece out our imperfections with your thoughts.

There is no deformity But saves us from a dream.

The whole point about beauty is its imperfection.

Tolerating imperfections is the price of freedom.

A fish may love a bird, but where would they live?

You can't be perfect, so enjoy your imperfections.

Imperfection is underrated. Perfection is overrated.

What day is so festal it fails to reveal some theft?

What I like about film is it explores imperfections.

Do not try to excuse your faults; try to correct them

What I have always loved most in men is imperfection.

The soul has neither sex, nor caste nor imperfection.

... imperfection would get me farther than perfection.

It is not the business of generals to shoot one another.

Evolution crawls to imperfection. It ends in extinction.

In Him there is no room for non-existence or imperfection

There is no real beauty without some slight imperfection.

We like the imperfect because it reminds us of ourselves.

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