I just happen to love film-making.

Film-making is a physically hard job.

What is film-making about if not romance?

When I'm making a film, I'm the audience.

Film-making was not at all what I had expected.

I got into acting to get my foot in the door for film-making.

I was a sports fan long before I had any interest in film-making.

I've found that film-making's not just a job, it becomes part of your whole life.

I'm very interested in the editing process - in all aspects of film-making, really.

I enjoy production more than acting, as one is involved in many aspects of film-making.

I look at American movies, the big muscles, and try to apply that to Chinese film-making.

If you stay true to your ideas, film-making becomes an inside-out, honest kind of process.

I realised that there's a more muscular approach to film-making that I found very inspiring.

My passion for film-making was bordering indulgence. But gone are those days when I was adventurous.

I liked film-making, but the most difficult thing was the editing. I found it tormentingly difficult.

My heart is in independent film-making. For me, it's where the fun, gritty storytelling is being told.

For film fans to support 'The Imitation Game' means so much to me, the entire cast and film-making team.

With 'The Conjuring,' I really wanted to create classical cinema-style film-making, pure cinema as it were.

I made a lot of short films before making a feature film. Actually, I learnt film-making by making short films.

The technology available for film-making now is incredible, but I am a big believer that it's all in the story.

India as a film-making nation has gained recognition, at last, at most important Western and Far Eastern forums.

I got into film-making because I was interested in making entertaining movies, which I felt there was a lack of.

I'm interested in the psychological exploration of human nature, and it just happens to come in the form of film-making.

I like to think of film-making not just as an act of personal self-aggrandisement but rather as an act of public service.

Dance fascinates me, and it is perhaps the most enriching audio-visual realm for a musician. Film-making also fascinates me.

Signature film-making seems rather dull to me; it's about finding something you can do something with and running with the ball.

Noel Black, who directed 'Pretty Poison,' got me to play a film-making student in 'Cover Me Babe.' At least it wasn't another tomboy.

Peter Jackson and Steven Spielberg are men at the top of their game, and Jackson especially is going to change the nature of film-making.

Whatever your style or subject matter, in the end, film-making is about searching for authenticity - that is what the audience will divine.

Hindi films do not respect fine actors, it is all about super stars and stardom. Film-making is reduced to revolving around a star's moods.

Film-making, in itself, is such a risky, costly-yet-uncertain business that despite being wealthy, 90 percent of people don't become producers.

At school, film-making had been the most beautiful thing that ever happened to me. Then I get to L.A., and it's this whole other thing. I checked out.

I've never looked at film-making as a career. I've looked on film-making as an adventure. When you come down the mountain, you get ready to climb again.

It helps being from somewhere other than Hollywood, not having grown up with that sense of film-making. I really wasn't exposed to that as a young woman.

I would say the most difficult part of film-making is dealing with people you are working with and trying to forget the drama that goes behind the scenes.

I didn't know I wanted to do films until I started to do them. Very few films are made in Mexico and film-making belonged to a very specific group, a clique.

It's not good just to have life experience of film-making and that's all. It's hard to play a real person when you've been in jets and town cars for three years.

Every milieu has something ridiculous about it - film-making, the music world, painting - because people who take themselves seriously become funny pretty quickly.

I use my film-making to work through my deep questions and my deep problems. I think I could watch each film and tell you exactly which part of my psyche I'm trying to work out.

Language, I think, has nothing to do with film-making. It is how you make your point and whether you exploit the visual medium maintaining a certain standard that does the trick.

The thing about film-making is I give it everything, that's why I work so hard. I always tell young actors to take charge. It's not that hard. Sign your own cheques, be responsible.

I turned in a script that meant a lot to me and an executive at Warner Bros said he was disappointed in me. I took a hit of confidence and stepped away from film-making for some time.

'To Kill a Mockingbird' was so important because it was such adult film-making - to see something that dealt with such an important issue and had such an enlightened outlook on the world.

When I was little it was a great time for film-making, with stuff like Mike Nichols' 'Silkwood.' The films you see in that pre-secondary-school stage stay with you in a very particular way.

For many years, wildlife film-making has presented a pristine living world. It has created an impression of security and abundance, even in places afflicted by cascading ecological collapse.

Hollywood is probably the most active centre of film-making in the world, but it's also a very difficult place in which to find your voice... It was also a far more civilised industry in Ireland.

I believe in fairy tales. They are the basis of all our performance of storytelling and film-making - when we twist the real events of the world into something that offers us hope - and I believe in that.

I think women don't grow up with the harsh world of criticism that men grow up with, we are more sensitively treated, and when you first experience the world of film-making you have to develop a very tough skin.

Console game publishing has become more like theatrical release film-making and it is very hard if you are not one of the major publishers, and even for them it is hard unless they are working with major game brands.

We have a lot of respect for the fact that you can't make movies without money and that when money comes to the table, that money deserves to have a place in the process as much as anything else in the film-making equation.

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