I had my first child at 21, my first restaurant at 24.

After I got married, the first child born to us was mentally handicapped.

I was the first child at four at a modeling agency, so I had an advantage.

I'm a dad; I started a program for young men when my first child was born.

Prior to having my first child, I had a huge ambition to go into movies and TV.

I was pregnant with my first child and so gloriously happy. I felt fecund and powerful.

I was born February 20, 1937 in Munchen as the first child of Sebastian and Helene Huber.

I got married at 20, and I was not a real mature 20. My first child was born when I was 21.

When I was pregnant with my first child, I was 35 years old, and I was working in a pet shop.

I just wasn't one of those girls who dreamt of her wedding day and the birth of her first child.

I didn't have my first child until I was 40. I actually learned about motherhood from management.

I graduated in 1952 and went to Europe, with Niki and our first child Laura, who was then a year old.

My mother came from a generation that did not want nannies. She had her first child at 24 and her last - me - at 42.

Having a child, particularly your first child, is such a life-changing moment. Nothing can really prepare you for that.

I've always been a headstrong girl. I had my first child at 17, and it was a mistake, but I got a beautiful child out of it.

My relationship with my first child was nonexistent. I was broke and I was a new rapper whose career was spiraling downward.

I would love to see the first people to get married from HQ. Maybe they'll meet in the chat and name their first child Scott.

I thought film was more important than life itself for many years. But I was naive to the world until my first child was born in 1985.

In a big family the first child is kind of like the first pancake. If it's not perfect, that's okay, there are a lot more coming along.

Growing up in the greater Toronto area, I was a happy kid. I was my mother's first child, surrounded by admiring godparents and cousins.

I'd long wanted to write about that moment when a woman steps off the career track to have her first child. For me, that was a scary time.

I've always taken my love of children from my father. He was a children magnet. Suddenly, having my first child hit home what my dad went through.

Before I had my first child, I thought women had to decide between being a mom and a fulfilling, successful professional life. I was wrong. Very wrong.

When I had my first child, I was too embarrassed to tell a single soul that I wasn't the over-the-moon, picture-perfect new mother I was supposed to be.

Robert Sandler is a child who died when he was three years old, and he is a child who was the first child that we know of to be treated with chemotherapy.

As I got older I learned how to control my temper a little more. Boxing helped me a lot and most definitely when I had my first child it helped me tremendously.

My family calls me Declan. But most people call me E.C. I think it comes from my dad. It's an Irish convention. You usually call the first child by the initials.

When I had my first child, I went back to Ireland to live with my mother. So, a typical day there was me being a mother, with my mum showing me how to do things.

I don't mean to be presumptuous that men don't feel this, I don't mean this, but I found that when my child was born, my first child, it felt like my heart broke.

I was pregnant with my first child during 'Stop/Kiss,' and for whatever reason, the fact that I was so physically uncomfortable allowed me to be freer in the role.

After a string of miscarriages, I gave birth to my first child. I spent six months of my pregnancy stuck in bed, staring at the ceiling. So my kids mean a lot to me.

In the '50s and '60s, a family's first child went into the priesthood, the second went into the military, and the third child was an idiot and wound up in advertising.

I think when I was pregnant with my first child - he's about 10 or 11 now - I first noticed changes in my skin, which can make you panic a bit. I had a bit of melasma.

In 1970, the average woman had her first child at 21.4; by 2012, it was almost 26, an age by which many young adults are at least a few years deep into jobs or careers.

When a woman has her first child in places like Africa, they're really young. They can be 12, 13,14, so their frames are really small, and they're usually malnourished.

I'm Italian; I take my time. We're not really fast. We're very slow. I had my first child at 40, my second child at 45, James Bond at 50. I'm so curious as to what's next!

When I had my first child, I started to try and make fresh food for him daily, and I became frustrated with the amount of work - and time - involved in making baby food at home.

From what I hear, it's a normal thing to feel guilty as a mother, especially when trying to fill the needs of a newborn along with maintaining what you had with your first child.

I was angry and frustrated until I started my own family and my first child was born. Until then I didn't really appreciate life the way I should have, but fortunately I woke up.

The moment that changed me for ever was the moment my first child was born. I was happy, filled with hope, and thought, 'Now I understand the whole point of work, of life, of love.'

I've got some news... I'm delighted to announce that Simon and I are expecting our first child together. I wanted you to hear the news direct from me, obviously we're over the moon.

Eighteen years later, pregnant with my first child, I started eating fish. Oily fish in particular contains plenty of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, essential for neural development.

I had known Colonel Charlie Flynn since he was a lieutenant 23 years earlier, and I remembered how his first child, Molly, had been born while Charlie was deployed to the first Gulf War.

When my first child was born in 1962, I wrote a letter to my grandfather telling him how happy I was but how concerned; concerned because there were so many visions which were not very good.

I have put absolutely everything into my album. I feel like it's been such a long journey to get here. It is like giving birth to my first child, and I want to make sure I did everything right.

Naming is nice. It took me days before I was able to speak a name for my first child (what if people did not like it?), and I suspect we gave her a secret, second name as well, to keep her safe.

After having your first child, it's a massive shock to the system. I work in an industry where people judge you and the way you look, and you always want to put your best foot forward when you can.

With the birth of my first child and my involvement with my first husband, I basically stopped lying. I just didn't want to lie anymore, because it reduces the stature of the person you're lying to.

There was this moment, particularly after I had my first child, where I felt like, 'I don't know if I'll ever make a record, or if this is always going to be something just floating around in my head.'

It was super stressful at first because it is my first child. The first minute I saw her and the first minute I heard her cry is really when things kicked in. You just become a mom and you roll with it.

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