I'm a builder, first and foremost.

I'm first and foremost a scientist.

I'm a musician, first and foremost.

First and foremost we are Earthlings.

First and foremost, I married for love.

Beauty is first and foremost an emotion.

First and foremost, I want to play well.

Seattle is home, that's first and foremost.

Football will always be my foremost passion.

Let's treat this country first and foremost.

First and foremost, I'm human. I'm a person.

First and foremost, I just have to be myself.

Your defense, first and foremost, is your base.

Competitions are a business, first and foremost.

First and foremost, I just want to write comedy.

First and foremost, I consider myself a songwriter.

First and foremost, it's important to love yourself.

I am first and foremost an actress of Indian origin.

I'm a poet first and foremost, before the modelling.

I think of myself as a journalist first and foremost.

Jim wanted to be known as a poet, first and foremost.

We felt like, first and foremost, we were songwriters.

I am a rugby player and first and foremost I am a man.

I am the foremost expert on what Cory Stewart believes.

Poetry, first and foremost, is the lyric. It's the music.

I've always considered myself an actor first and foremost.

I the heir of all the ages, in the foremost files of time.

I consider myself a writer, foremost - a nonfiction writer.

The White House is a huge organization, first and foremost.

I see myself first and foremost as a student of expression.

I've definitely got to look after myself first and foremost.

First and foremost, my job is to protect the American people.

But the guitar is my favorite, first and foremost instrument.

First and foremost, you never want to see anyone get injured.

First and foremost, you want to be truthful as a storyteller.

First and foremost, Indiana will always be a basketball state.

I feel like I want to be known first and foremost for my work.

What happens to me is that I am first and foremost a film geek.

I'm first and foremost interested in the story, the characters.

Aretha Franklin, first and foremost... That's my top girl there.

I'm an actor first and foremost; it's my first love and passion.

I always try to approach character first and foremost viscerally.

Being French, to me, is first and foremost being a revolutionary.

I'm a physician first and foremost. I will always be a physician.

I love that our engineers are first and foremost 'Instagram' users.

I can assure you that my first and foremost interest is my country.

Perfectionists demand perfection from themselves first and foremost.

My deepest desire is to do the thing that is first and foremost just.

My goals for next year are to win a national title first and foremost.

The music has always been the first and foremost element in our career.

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