The faith I was born into formed me.

No alliance can be formed on Twitter.

Gangs are formed by kids who want love.

No weapon formed against me shall prosper.

So much of my aesthetic was formed by my dad.

Contention existed before the earth was formed.

Popular music formed the soundtrack of my life.

Comedy, your funny bone, is formed in childhood.

Good habits formed at youth make all the difference.

Character is formed in the stormy billows of the world.

Black Flag was formed in 1977. We first recorded in 1978.

India was formed on the idea 'Let's get the British out.'

A lot of my world-view is formed by the places I've been.

They were two halves that together formed a magical whole.

A person's character is but half formed till after wedlock.

When Soundgarden formed, we were post-punk - pretty quirky.

I knew Joe Strummer back in the days before he formed the Clash.

The United States of America was formed to honor the word of God.

As a man is, so he sees. As the eye is formed, such are its powers.

Nothing happens to any man that he is not formed by nature to bear.

For me, novels coalesce into being, rather than arrive fully formed.

I have eight siblings, and we formed a group called Mac 9. I was Mac 7.

We formed the band because we wanted to tour. That was our common interest.

I definitely feel like a native New Yorker. My personality was formed there.

The FBI was formed because the gangsters were better armed, better financed.

I've grown into a woman and formed my own opinions about the world around me.

Being hurt personally triggered a curiosity about how such beliefs are formed.

I have just been all round the world and have formed a very poor opinion of it.

My tastes formed quite early. All I ever wanted to do was go to costume museums.

To create a fully formed character full of life, struggle, and humanity is tough.

I think the big studios shaped and formed the artists that they put under contract.

Society is now one polished horde, formed of two mighty tries, the Bores and Bored.

I formed my first band when I was going to Valley Torah High School in Los Angeles.

Man's mind is so formed that it is far more susceptible to falsehood than to truth.

Burzum was never formed, as Burzum is no group, only Count Grishnackh of many colors.

Selenite occurs in abundance in well formed clear crystals of several inches in length.

I don't think many of us launched ourselves into the world of writing books fully formed.

One must do no violence to nature, nor model it in conformity to any blindly formed chimera.

In a sense, habits never really disappear. Once formed, they always remain in our neurology.

So much of what we do every single day is the result of habits that we have formed over time.

I formed a band when I was about 13, and we all listened to punk - or what we thought was punk!

It's hard to run away from who you are, and when your taste is formed is a very important thing.

Men was formed for society, and is neither capable of living alone, nor has the courage to do it.

I don't like celebrity programmes - but I do like programmes about how ideas are formed and evolve.

Being famous before you've formed your personality, before you have that self-esteem, is dangerous.

When I lived in England my perception of what people thought of me was largely formed by the media.

What birds can have their bills more peculiarly formed than the ibis, the spoonbill, and the heron?

In 1975 I was among a group of blacks who formed the Black Americans in Support of Israel Committee.

In Italy, where I live now, I have put some distance between myself and the world that has formed me.

Our relationships with people are formed by small moments - and relationships are crucial in business.

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