The League of Nations could've been something really, really big... it wasn't. A lot of guys were frustrated about it in a way.

I think where I get frustrated at times was the belief that the president can do anything if he just decides he wants to do it.

If you can miss getting up in the morning and running into a wall, I miss playing football. I'll never be a frustrated athlete.

If everything in the environment is utterly predictable, you become bored. If it's utterly unpredictable, you become frustrated.

I'm not very happy. I'm frustrated with human beings. I'm the guy who just wants to smack people in the face and say, 'Wake up!'

My mother was a woman who was very frustrated. She had a great deal of ability, and all this energy went into me and my brother.

Of course I think everybody has moments in their careers when they're frustrated, or you're not happy with the current situation.

Independent judges have always frustrated governments that don't see why unelected arbiters of the law should stand in their way.

To continue to fight, not get frustrated, to stay together and find a way - I think that's important. I think good teams do that.

When I see a good singer, I get teary-eyed. Part of it is jealousy because all comedians are frustrated rock stars. That's a fact.

I used to be frustrated about being called bohemian, but I don't really care now. If that's what you are, you should celebrate it.

Sometimes you get so frustrated that things aren't working out, you say, 'Let me step away for a while.' But the fire still burns.

If all opposition were curtailed, if all maladies were removed, then the primary purposes of the Father's plan would be frustrated.

I get frustrated by the fact that comics go on stage with some kind of agenda beyond comedy - I'm not sure it should be about that.

I often feel intellectually frustrated when I'm in a position where I'm not moving forward; when I'm not enquiring about something.

The tories major announcement was to scrap the human rights act, because and I quote 'people get very frustrated with human rights'.

Learn how to turn frustration into fascination. You will learn more being fascinated by life than you will by being frustrated by it.

The plastic knife is perfect for when a person just wants to make some marks on his food and get insanely frustrated at the same time.

When I was about 21 and just about to get out of college at NYU, Vietnam was raging, and I was a frustrated musician for a little bit.

I was frustrated as a child when I had to use a vacuum. It had a screaming noise and the smell of stale dog and a lack of performance.

Sometimes when you get frustrated, your back is against the wall, and you come out fighting and knock out three songs in as many days.

Whatever has you afraid, angry, intimidated or frustrated tonight - take it to our all-powerful and all-capable God. He has the answer.

I think the avant-garde often hides itself in the highly incomprehensible because they are frustrated that the real world is so boring.

I assume there must be some kind of genetic thrust. My two grandmothers were very different, but both of them were frustrated musicians.

Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary.

I suppose I was a frustrated artist. I like fitting things together, and there are plenty of different ways to do that with real estate.

Our short film 'Kahaa Toh Tha' talks about how people can get irritated and frustrated with each other which leads to quarrels or fights.

If there's a rift in the marriage - if someone feels neglected, frustrated, tempted by others, or unsure - then trouble can easily arise.

There's a lot I need to improve on. YAC, which I'm last in. Being a better leader. Not getting frustrated when things aren't going my way.

The most important thing especially in domestic cricket is to enjoy each day there, be nice to people around you and never get frustrated.

I'm the same as anyone else. If you are as good at a job as someone else, but they get three or four times more, you get a bit frustrated.

I think I was, like, maybe frustrated for many years because I didn't try to direct. And since I made my movie I'm just like, 'It's great.

Whenever I get frustrated, I tell myself, you could be working at a 7-Eleven right now, so never take for granted what you do for a living.

I felt like there were two people inside me. I was trying to be somebody I was not, and I was frustrated that people didn't know who I was.

The object of this competition is not to be mean to the losers but to find a winner. The process makes you mean because you get frustrated.

I think I was, like, maybe frustrated for many years because I didn't try to direct. And since I made my movie I'm just like, 'It's great.'

On an odd occasion, you'll still find me shouting at referees when I've become increasingly frustrated, but I've tried to control my temper.

It rarely rains in Hollywood - and I love the rain. There are ups and downs to anywhere in the world, but I get frustrated without any rain.

Peyton Manning is a true leader. A legend. I love the way he is always in control. You never see him too frustrated, never see him too happy.

people with a sense of fulfillment think it is a good world and would like to conserve it as it is, while the frustrated favor radical change.

I keep my mind on track, and I don't get mad, and I don't get frustrated. Well, I do... but creative work, it's a way of controlling all that.

Am I a frustrated performer? My wife would say I am! I guess there has to be something of the performer in you if you build a global business.

Our people are frustrated when we spend more time fighting among ourselves than focusing on solving the day-to-day challenges they experience.

I am not a philosopher, only frustrated by the development of the world we live in - and too stupid to keep my mouth shut when I see injustice.

To live is to choose. But to choose well, you must know who you are and what you stand for, where you want to go and why you want to get there.

I am extremely frustrated with my son Ishaan Khattar being referred to as 'Kapur' time and again in the media. I am anguished and feel helpless.

I was at my wit's end trying to solve the world's problems. I was frustrated that I could do very little. That frustration took me to Vipassana.

People get so frustrated with me, so much so that they've threatened me, they've threatened my family and it just cannot go on, it really can't.

Scratch the surface of most cynics and you find a frustrated idealist — someone who made the mistake of converting his ideals into expectations.

At the time of 'Mr. India,' I had just started and was a frustrated actor. I didn't know Calendar would take my career into the right direction.

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