I have seen both extremes; when there was no work, I was frustrated and now that I'm overworked, I feel the same. I'm looking for a balance now.

There are times when you get frustrated, but the one thing you always focus on is treating people well. You just cannot storm off and freak out.

Limiting birth by artificial means is an absurdly wrong step. The consequences of this act are irresponsible fatherhood or frustrated motherhood.

I hate to see people frustrated or leave a company for an opportunity they could easily have had at their current company if they had only asked.

As a chemist, I wanted to ask myself the question frustrated by biology: What is the minimal unit of matter that can undergo Darwinian evolution?

Well,” she said. “I’m frustrated.” “Don’t make me angry-kiss you.” “Give me the laundry.” “Tempers rising, faces flushed … This is how it happens.

My wife likes me better when I'm writing. It centers me and makes me more calm. When I go a long time without writing, I start getting frustrated.

I'm really happy when I'm actively creating things. When I'm frustrated and not excited, it's because I haven't written anything in a month or so.

I went through two pretty dark years being fed up with the system and frustrated with my own party after two disastrous elections in 2006 and 2008.

The issue of work/life balance is a real one, and yet I still find myself frustrated if I feel like I'm giving some aspect of my life short shrift.

I was a frustrated musician, frustrated designer, frustrated art director, frustrated novelist, right. I'd fail at all these different professions.

For me, being upset is different than being frustrated. Frustration, it's a little more deep inside. Being upset, you can get over it the next day.

I sometimes get frustrated with how important Dallas Cowboys' football is to people. It's extremely important to me, too, but football is what I do.

But after Mr. Evers got shot a week ago, lot a colored folk is frustrated in this town. Especially the younger ones, who ain't built up a callus yet.

It would be a pity if, frustrated by the price of travel, we elected to become a society that never made contact, that never gave SETI a fair chance.

It would be a pity if, frustrated by the price of travel, we elected to become a society that never made contact, that never gave SETI a fair chance.

We have this idea of bureaucracy in local government, and it's generally things that we're frustrated at. It doesn't work the way we like it to work.

It's been five seasons now that I'm with Spurs, and I've got a little bit frustrated about Europe. We've got the talent to go further than we've done.

I am a frustrated saxophone player. If I could, I would abandon all of my books, and I would trade it all if I could play the way people I admire play.

Americans feel frustrated, distanced, and disenfranchised from our elected government. We deserve more: a government in which we truly all have a voice.

I don't understand why women get so frustrated with guys talking to other women, just casual conversation. I don't get it. I've had a problem with that.

People are so frustrated by electing people to represent them in Washington, D.C., and having them immediately forget about the Hoosiers they represent.

I was getting frustrated with America. It's interesting how as simple a thing as, like, letting your hair grow longer changed in the world in those days.

I started buying films a couple of years ago. The first film-maker I began to obsessively collect was Andy Milligan. He was a New York frustrated artist.

We all get frustrated and we all get angry, especially being young. We're happy so quickly, we're mad so quickly, and everything is just flowing so fast.

I've done the thing where I stop being communicative, and I've been on the other side where the other person isn't communicating, and I become frustrated.

You always feel like rock critics are frustrated musicians. I envy musicians their ability to live their art and share it with an audience, in the moment.

I've had stuff pulled for me on big shows and stuff like that. You can get frustrated all you want, but the show must go on, and there are reasons for it.

If you are a junior member of a minority party - one of 100 people - in the U.S. Senate, what really can you do? Well, you're just going to get frustrated.

I'm frustrated with Hollywood and television and the movies because they see science fiction as an excuse for eye candy, for lots of great special effects.

Whether stuck in traffic because of construction or fixing a flat tire after hitting a pothole, Michiganders feel frustrated with the quality of our roads.

My dad is a Jack Nicholson lookalike and a frustrated performer, my mother's into reading and poetry. I suppose the thing I owe them most is my confidence.

I'm at my best when I'm working. Breaks are not great for me. I get frustrated sometimes, if I have a long break and somebody says, "Oh, that must be nice!"

I always get a little bit frustrated with Republicans, because we always talk about job creators, and really who we should be talking to is their employees.

If you're waiting with God, waiting is okay. If you're always waiting on God, you'll be frustrated. God never seems to work at the speed that we want Him to.

I've had such extremes in my life. From being this kind of wild kid, to one year studying to be a Franciscan priest at the seminary....I was very frustrated.

I always have directors who are somewhat frustrated because they'll reference a beautifully obscure film from the '50s or '60s or '70s, and I've not seen it.

You're going to bat so many times during a season and it's not worth getting mad about. I still get frustrated, but I try not to let the other team know that.

Modeling is exciting, but I certainly felt frustrated that I couldn't speak out or express myself. I always wanted to express my desires in some other medium.

Hunter S. Thompson and I are old friends, but what we do is so different. There are surface similarities that really have to do with us being frustrated poets.

The idea for 'Lifestyles' began to take shape in my mind as I became more and more frustrated with the type of celebrity interviews I was doing for television.

And I talked to my doctor, and I must admit, you know, I'm sometimes quite renowned for my outbursts and I was just very frustrated, maybe a little frightened.

If you are not able to do something, that is true for the present, not for the future. All the time there's a chance to go a step further. Not to be frustrated.

If you can't write well then your ambition to become famous in this way will be frustrated. Either that or you have to get an amanuensis who will write for you.

I couldn't write a song to save my life. I wouldn't say that I started to panic, but I was definitely getting frustrated. I couldn't even cross a t or dot an i.

What if loving something means you should mostly feel frustrated and thwarted? And then a little ruined, too, by the pursuit? But you keep coming back for more?

There’s definitely times when you’re frustrated for whatever reason, but that happens on fifty million dollar movies when you have a huge trailer, so who cares?

Two of the most frustrated trades are dentists and photographers - dentists because they want to be doctors, and photographers because they want to be painters.

During war time, when people were injured, I was really frustrated I did not become a doctor. It's painful not being able to save people, witnessing their pain.

You know, I started out really hot out of the box. Then I've definitely had and up-and-down career. And when things started cooling off again, it frustrated me.

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