I'm a frustrated stand-up comic. If you hand me a microphone and I get one laugh, then I'll go on for 20 minutes.

I hate when someone gets the better of me. A Division 1 wrestler comes in and takes me down and I get frustrated.

Hell hath no fury like a frustrated fundamentalist whose God condemned him to "hell" for having "impure thoughts."

When people get more frustrated by their indecision than by the situation that prompted it, clarity often follows.

I've got an overactive, analytical brain. I get frustrated, impatient, angry with myself. I swear at myself a lot.

I was very bitter, frustrated, hurt, angry - I went through all types of emotions when I first was out of the WNBA.

I became frustrated with myself for not being as sturdy and unquestioning as I knew a man in my position should be.

I'm always frustrated when somebody makes a movie out of a book and they leave the book behind, or the heart of it.

IBM doesn't want its people to get frustrated and restless because it has them reaching for carrots they can't quit

It frustrated me as a kid. Like, why didn't I just wake up every morning shooting half-court shots from my bedroom?

I've found that people get particularly frustrated and shut down when women in fiction are disgusting or disordered.

I'm passionate about the game. Anytime you work as hard and a play doesn't go the way you wanted, you get frustrated.

You stay positive. Any competitor is going to get angry with themselves and frustrated, and all the emotion comes on.

I'm much more self-conscious clothed than unclothed. I'm a frustrated Page Three girl. I have no shame about my body.

On a plane, you're in your own little bubble, so I try and enjoy it and don't get worried or frustrated about delays.

The more we know about how we lost our spontaneous wonder and creativity, the more we can find ways to get them back.

half the good intentions of my life have been frustrated by my unfortunate habit of putting things off till to-morrow.

Eating out doesn't have to be a formula. Eating out is about having fun. I get really frustrated when it's badly done.

When you are frustrated and do not know a way out, only flexibility and moderation towards difficulties will save you.

I get frustrated with films that entertain me but ultimately dodge a moral question about how you should try and live.

I can't live just being content. I can't have a routine. I can't be settled because then I just get really frustrated.

It's not fair that teachers are getting low income to where they get frustrated to where they don't even want to teach.

I was so frustrated in Sabbath after the last few albums. I just didn't like the musical direction Sabbath was going in

Well, I think everybody is frustrated by the finances of the U.N. and the inability to solve problems of war and peace.

I was so frustrated in Sabbath after the last few albums. I just didn't like the musical direction Sabbath was going in.

Women tell stories; men want answers. Guys get impatient when we drone on forever; we get frustrated when they tune out.

For years I tried to put myself in a box, and it frustrated me, so I had to let go and let the universe take its course.

Putting our expectations on others is a habit that keeps us feeling frustrated. It diminishes the amount of love we feel.

I wasted most of my 20s being so frustrated I forgot to have fun. I was so concentrated on one thing - 'Must make movie.'

To frustrated Americans who have begun boycotting BP: Welcome to the club. It's great not to be the only member any more!

My life... I'm really happy with what I've got. If I get more things, I will be happy, but if not, I won't be frustrated.

When you get frustrated you try to do too much, you try to make stuff up that's not there, and you play outside yourself.

We don't want to get frustrated because it sticks in your mind too much. We have to work at it and see what we did wrong.

I get frustrated with certain aspects of the game. But there's things that delight me, it's just the uncertainty of it all.

When you're frustrated with people, when they've made you angry, it just may be because you haven't given them enough time.

I started writing because I got so frustrated that there weren't enough plays that had roles for young black women in them.

I get so frustrated when it takes longer than a couple of seconds to load a page - I couldn't live without the Internet now.

There is no psychiatric pattern which can predict who becomes an extremist - but they are all frustrated with their reality.

In virtually every organization, regardless of mission and function, people are frustrated by problems that seem unsolvable.

Yeah, I get frustrated. But I try not to let those frustrations get out into the media or get out onto the court in my play.

We've seen with Brexit and other things that there's a dark impulse to be petulant and frustrated with complicated solutions.

You know, Chihiro, darling- all it takes is one little wrong step and you end up feeling frustrated your whole life, like me.

Love is not vain because it is frustrated, but because it is fulfilled. The people we love turn to ashes when we posess them.

Everybody gets frustrated when they lose. But at the end of the day I can control what I do. Whatever team I'm on, let's roll.

I surfed until I was 18, and being the athlete that I am, I got really frustrated with how I wasn't really getting any better.

I'm like anybody else. You get enough, you can get beat up. You can get hurt. You can get frustrated. You can get demoralized.

I'm not a big fan of doing it because I get really frustrated because I can't do any of the tricks, but I love to watch magic.

I have more experience than I care to have on what it feels like to be broke, confused, and frustrated when it comes to money.

When one's own problems are unsolvable and all best efforts frustrated, it is lifesaving to listen to other people's problems.

Well, I'm somebody who is just living ...living life, and if I get frustrated by something, then I like to try to put it right.

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