The Golden Globes are fun. The Oscars are Business.

It's been a pretty fun ride, to tell you the truth.

When I die, I'm leaving my body to science fiction.

It's more fun to think that there are other worlds.

I'm really into extreme sports and just having fun.

This ain't fun. But you watch me, I'll get it done.

This isn't missionary work. This is missionary fun.

I do situations and make fun of authority and life.

I love doing the action stuff. It's soooo much fun!

The idea of licking stamps seemed great fun for me.

If you have fun, fine. It's not all life and death.

Always have fun but stay hungry. Find that balance.

It's fun to play somebody who's kind of struggling.

I'm inspired by having fun; I'm inspired by people.

Follow your dreams. Just make sure to have fun too.

Im a good girl at heart who just wants to have fun.

Life is meant to be fun, and joyous, and fulfilling.

Working hard becomes a habit, a serious kind of fun.

I didn't realize what fun it was [ been a reporter].

The risk of failure is part of the fun of what I do.

An hour of play is worth a lifetime of conversation.

I've been to Paris. And it ain't that pretty at all.

The bowl games are only supposed to be a fun reward.

Girls just want to have fun. Well, so do old ladies!

Moment I stop havin fun wit it, I'll be done wit it.

Everybody needs to laugh and have fun and feel good.

I never did a day's work in my life, it was all fun.

Man is a clever animal who behaves like an imbecile.

A hobby is only fun if you don't have time to do it.

The fun of fishing is catching 'em, not killing 'em.

The more business gets involved, the less fun it is.

Wink at small faults; remember thou hast great ones.

It's much more fun to be the exception, not the rule

I am not scared of anyone. I have fun with everyone.

Getting there isn't half the fun - it's all the fun.

I hate golf to be tricked up. To me it's a fun game.

It was a lot of fun doing the Nike commercials, too.

Have some fun while you wait for the will of heaven.

I was always trying to do things to make school fun.

What's really fun is to write under different names.

Science fiction is for real, space opera is for fun.

Creativity makes life more fun and more interesting.

I wasn't going to have fun doing a teen movie again.

I'm always having fun. Playing is fun. Music is fun.

Have fun, be yourself, enjoy life and stay positive.

I had a great run on Babylon 5. It was a lot of fun.

I never did a day's work in my life. It was all fun.

I suppose the most fun I had was on the second film.

Life's too short not to have fun with what you wear.

Drinking is fun! It makes me feel horrible and sexy!

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