Gene Wilder is so funny.

I got the performance gene.

I didn't get the charm gene.

Gene Roddenberry was a genius.

Gene Simmons and I look so much alike!

I was devastated by Gene Wilder's death.

I spent 10 years trying to find one gene.

Blissfully, I don't have the revenge gene.

I wanted to be Paul Stanley or Gene Simmons.

I have the Cuban gene of speaking very loudly.

Gene sometimes... well, he has his dream list.

In my DNA, the Zionist gene is extremely strong.

I don't think I have the manipulation gene in me.

Gene Kelly was hard on me, but I think he had to be.

I'm really influenced by Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly.

My family is funny. I think you're born with the gene.

Growing up, 'Mean' Gene was the voice of my generation.

I am blessed with a funny gene that makes me enjoy life.

I think gene therapy and nanotechnology go hand in hand.

Kiss will always be Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley to me.

Gene Hackman was a superstar in the '70s - with that face!

Crisper is great. The future of gene therapy looks bright.

I definitely have my Palestinian gene. I love to play host.

My heroes were Gene Wilder, Steve Martin, and Martin Short.

The problem with the gene pool is that there's no lifeguard.

Gene Hackman is one of the great American actors of all time.

Even by the time I was four or five, I had Gene Autry records.

Today we try to identify a gene and then study its properties.

Well, that embarrassment gene, I don't really have a lot of it.

My mother was a lupus patient. I was a child with the lupus gene.

I hope that the image of gene therapy is changing. It seems to be.

I hope my fans remember my name is Gene Vincent and not Gene Autry.

Gene Kelly was a little tough, and he used to yell at me on the set.

I have a huge acting crush on Gene Hackman. I just love watching him.

My favorite film is Gene Tierney and Tyrone Power in The Razor's Edge.

A lot of times, I played bass on songs. Gene plays guitar on some songs.

Roy Rogers, Gene Autry, John Wayne - these men had the code of the West.

Of course, I have Gene Roddenberry to thank for the creation of Barclay.

Heritability pertains to the entirety of the genome, not to a single gene.

The first people I ever saw were probably Little Richard and Gene Vincent.

I was at dinner with Gene Wilder and imitated Ethel Barrymore for everyone.

I want to say, to Mr. Gene Simmons, hip-hop is here forever. Get used to it.

Freud had a gene for inefficiency, and I think I have a gene for efficiency.

I thought I'd gone to heaven, because I grew up watching Roy and Gene Autry.

I think I was born with the drive for success because I have a certain gene.

I got to work with Gene Hackman for six weeks, side by side, 12 hours a day.

I love Gene Weingarten's feature writing with the passion of a thousand suns.

If there's a gene, I got it from my ma. Her writing has this effortless quality.

I wanted to be Gene Kelly. Well really, I just wanted to dance with Cyd Charisse.

Yes, we are looking into gene therapies for immune cells to target senescent cells.

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