I'm an actor that cares.

Acting was my first love.

I grew up a misfit. I never fit in.

I'd rather be a liar than an asshole.

I'm a nerd. But I'm not that hard-core.

I am kind of giant … on (the True Blood) set.

I wake up at the same time every day to get to the gym.

Doing theater is like walking a tightrope without a net.

Once you become famous, being single becomes a liability.

I don’t think there’s any such thing as male objectification

Matt Bomer and I went to Carnegie Mellon for drama together.

I think you can be athletic and intellectual at the same time.

I had a fan make me a silver wolf-tooth necklace. That was really great.

Sometimes people say things they don't mean, and you just have to let it go.

I train like a pro-athlete, not like an actor who's just trying to look pretty.

I grew up a big comic book reader, as a kid, and I love the whole fanboy crowd.

Well, if I hadn't have been an actor I would have gone on to play college sports.

I mean, I feel like I've been pretending I was a werewolf since I was a little kid.

What's funny is that male strippers don't wear thongs anymore. They wear flat backs.

Sex accounts for about 40 percent of your relationship, but if it's bad, then it's 60.

I was single long enough, and when I was, it wasn't about putting notches in the bedpost.

So listen, man, "weird" is my middle name. I'm ready for anything. The weirder, the better.

Acting was the only place that I ever felt like I belonged so went for it with everything I had.

[ Being naked on scene ] was like walking a tightrope without a net - with a giant fan blowing at you.

I mean 'One Tree Hill' had some rabid fans - you'd be surprised - they're almost in a class of their own.

The reason I couldn't pay my rent was because I was one of the worst drinkers you'd ever seen in your life.

I screen tested for Training Day many years ago, which was David Ayer's script with Antoine Fuqua directing.

I'm an average guy. I wasn't the dude who was gonna sit at the stage and dump all my paycheck into the girl.

I was kind of a dark kid. I loved Halloween, and I loved vampires and the black and white old monster movies.

I love walking around and grabbing coffee and sitting in a park and people watching… I love Greenwich Village.

I got to L.A. in 2000, when we were coming off the '90s: women looked like men and the men all looked like women.

I wouldn't tell anyone to study werewolves - I studied wolves, how they moved, their tendencies and sensibilities.

The best love advice I've ever received is probably, 'I'm not leaving the relationship; I'm just leaving the house.'

It's tricky when I'm constantly traveling and adjusting to new time zones and trying to also keep up with my workouts.

Women do a lot of uncomfortable things for men - and I appreciate it all. I appreciate high heels. I appreciate thongs.

American comedies especially are all about these men being browbeaten by their wives and it's impossible for me to watch.

I went to a school that's predominantly computer science and engineering. So, there's a real shortage of hot girls, let's say.

I started working at clubs when I was sixteen, which is young. I would not want my kid doing that, but I did, and that's how it went.

I've always been an athletic guy, but the extent to which I go for 'True Blood' or for 'Magic Mike' is because of the role that I'm playing.

When I'm training for 'True Blood,' I don't eat any sugar except for some fruit here and there. So it's no sugar, no bread, no real carbs all day.

I watched so many comic book movies where the actors weren't as built as the characters in the book. It made me mad because they didn't look right.

I mean, everyone walks into the gym on day one skinny or fat. Arnold Schwarzenegger walked into the gym skinny at 15 or 16, and I was that way, too.

When I first got out of drama school, my original manager tried to get me to change my name because people were having trouble spelling it and saying it.

Well, being 6' 5', pull-ups are my nemesis. I have really long arms so I have to do twice the work of someone with short arms to get the weight up there.

There are these little towns outside of L.A. Once you get an hour and a half, two hours out, you get into these little, tiny towns that are almost like stuck in time.

I'm glad that I lost, I'm glad that I failed, I'm glad that I felt that way and decided to do something about it... I never wanted to feel that way again and it drove me.

When I was growing up, it was Clint Eastwood, it was Harrison Ford and Steve McQueen - these guys were tough. They were leading men, but they were also tough and physical.

Also, to be honest, my dad wanted me to be an athlete. And I think all sons want to prove something to their dad. So now, aged 35, I want to see what I can achieve physically.

I did [Henrik] Ibsen and [Anton] Chekhov for years. Obviously I didn't get the kind of recognition I have now. Somebody once told me, "You ride the horse the direction it's going."

I play characters who are comfortable naked, but that's something you work up to. I did a play off-Broadway in New York when I was in college. It was full-frontal nudity. It's nerve-racking.

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