Integration is a give and take.

Life gives to the give and takes from the taker.

Love needs the stiffening of respect, the give and take of equality.

Marriage is give and take. You'd better give it to her or she'll take it anyway.

Dating is a give and take. If you only see it as "Taking," you are not getting it.

Relationships have to have a give and take if they're going to work in the long term.

The relationship between a mother and child is more than just give and take; it is magical.

When writing 'Give and Take' and 'Originals,' the predominant emotion for me was curiosity.

Making better choices takes work. There is a daily give and take, but it is worth the effort.

Everything is give and take. The solutions are in the middle not in the extremity of the situation.

When you find somebody who doesn't give and take, you go, 'Remind me never to work with you again.'

It's a give and take relationship with my fans. They give me love and adoration, and I take it from them.

In a deal, you give and take. You compromise. Then you grab the cash and catch the next train out of town.

It's give-and-take and back-and-forth, that constantly allows you to grow as an artist and as a human being.

O who would trust this world, or prize what's in it, That gives and takes, and chops and changes, ev'ry minute?

Music - you need the give and take from the audience, the feeling of attention. It's not about me: it's about the music itself.

Respect is the most essential thing about captaincy. Respect between the captain and players is important. It is give and take.

I will come out with my interpretation. If I'm wrong, fine. It will become part of the debris of history, part of the give and take.

It is only when I lose contact with the painting that the result is a mess. Otherwise there is pure harmony, an easy give and take, and the painting comes out well.

All compromise is based on give and take, but there can be no give and take on fundamentals. Any compromise on mere fundamentals is a surrender. For it is all give and no take.

The super power that I would choose would be compassion. Because that's what I think it takes to make it through life-an understanding, a give and take. It saves an awful lot of resentment.

Watching AIDS play its evil game of give and take has made me understand why lobbying for increased research funding should be an urgent priority - not only for the gay community but for us all.

My opposition to Interviews lies in the fact that offhand answers have little value or grace of expression, and that such oral give and take helps to perpetuate the decline of the English language.

For most part, the rule of thumb is pretty much you're going to race guys hard the last quarter of the race and for sure the last run of the day. You're still going to give and take until that last pit stop.

To her who gives and takes back all, to nature, the man who is instructed and modest says, Give what thou wilt; take back what thou wilt. And he says this not proudly, but obediently and well pleased with her.

In marriage, it's always that give and take and rebalancing that we have to do in how we can help each other. But, I have been known at times by my sons, that is the name that they call me-the Mitt stabilizer.

I would actually say to all the parents to tell their children to start respecting people. And, automatically when you start respecting people, it will give rise to give and take. Respect starts in your own house.

A Kiss concert experience is like sex or anything else that's done with more that one person. It's the give and take that makes it so great. When the audience takes it to the next level, we can kick it up another notch.

My own journey in becoming a poet began with memory - with the need to record and hold on to what was being lost. One of my earliest poems, 'Give and Take,' was about my Aunt Sugar, how I was losing her to her memory loss.

When I was younger, my feet would hurt a lot, but you build up calluses and strength, and you don't feel as much pain there. But then again, it's a give and take. The older you get, you may feel pain in your back or your hips.

My whole process is based on meditation as well as listening really closely to what the director says and what the choreographer says. I try to stay in the immediate present reality with my partners on stage, give and take reality.

It is explained that all relationships require a little give and take. This is untrue. Any partnership demands that we give and give and give and at the last, as we flop into our graves exhausted, we are told that we didn't give enough.

I love scenes that are just emotional give and take. By the same token, action sequences are great to do. They have their own unique demands and requirements. So I take it as it comes, and hopefully you can get a good balance of all of that stuff.

I'm a pretty laid-back kind of guy. What I've always wanted to do is set up situations in our company where if people who worked there needed help, we would try to help them, and at the same token if the company needed help from people, they would help us. A kind of give and take.

I like the relationship between the master and the student. Each piece has new problems, and each is different. They're all an indentured servitude. There's that subjugation that you have to put yourself under. It's a give and take. There is work involved, and during that time, the greatest things are revealed.

The idea that success is limited is an easy one to believe. We buy into it, and often without even thinking. There aren't enough resources. Something for you means less for me. I understand it, too. It's the give and take of the human experience. If you have the apple, I can't then hold it at the same time... or can I?

One of the great things about Silicon Valley is, irrespective of how competitive you might be with another company or how closely you might be working with that company, there's a great sort of give and take, and camaraderie from - between - some of the executives in the valley and some of the other investors in the valley.

I don't size up their grades or their board scores. Because in America today, that's just an advantage certain people have. I size up the give and take, the speed of thinking, what I perceive as ambition. I say, 'Tell me about your high school jobs.' And I love people who worked in coffee shops who were waiters and waitresses.

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