Seek to give much -- expect nothing.

Guilt: the gift that keeps on giving.

It gives me a sense of tunnel vision.

A man should give us a sense of mass.

Operator! Give me the number for 911!

Who pleasure gives, Shall joy receive

Even mud gives the illusion of depth.

I'd like to give divorce a good name.

Fear gives sudden instincts of skill.

To order space is to give it meaning.

DRS is like giving Picasso Photoshop.

Give me inspiration over information.

Come give us a taste of your quality.

Never give your heart to a blockhead.

What we give our attention to, grows.

Give obedience where 'tis truly owed.

Give me a lamp so I can find the day.

Money gives me pleasure all the time.

Give me a dollar or I'll spit on you.

No man can give me any word but Wait.

Nobody gives a rat's nipple about me.

I think remixes give songs more life.

Give Honest and Sincere Appreciation.

You give the money where you want it.

Giving is the insured way of getting.

Giving is dead, restoring very sicke.

Never give up on what makes you smile

My mother always wanted to give back.

God gives where he finds empty hands.

Suffering gives us no special rights.

I think about giving up. I almost do.

LOVE is what gives joy to giving joy.

Those who want respect, give respect.

Home advantage gives you an advantage

I tried to give up drugs by drinking.

moving on is a gift you give yourself.

Giving opens up avenues for abundance.

Give me your resolve. Believe in Yuna.

Do they give Pulitzers for tweets yet?

Give what you can, take what you need.

Art gives people a reason to be alive.

Dmitri clearly gives good . . . blood.

As you give out, so shall you receive.

Yoga is a gift that you give yourself.

It's simple: Give thanks and use Dove.

I give people Ayn Rand with trappings.

Don't give advice unless you're asked.

There is no almost in giving your all.

It's important to give back to people.

We are rich only through what we give.

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