I travel with Club Glove.

Iron hand in a velvet glove.

My son has dubbed me 'the Glove'.

A pure hand needs no glove to cover it.

The Glove is in the Hall of Fame with the greats.

I'm not very good in the rain. I don't wear a golf glove.

May love's kindred treasure box fling your luminescent glove.

The only way I'm going to win a Gold Glove is with a can of spray paint.

I always want to play, and I always want to hold a ball or glove or bat.

Terrorism and religious extremism are huge challenges. They go hand in glove.

I always love the smell of a bat and a glove, or a hockey puck in the winter time.

When I throw a curve that hangs and it goes for a hit, I want to chew up my glove.

I grew up on the softball field. Every day I would take my glove and my bat with me.

Harley Race was eloquent in his moves - everything made sense, like a hand in a glove.

Even if I hadn't have been nominated for an Oscar, to have won the Golden Glove was just fantastic.

I used to dress up like Michael Jackson. I didn't have the glove, but I had a red jacket like in 'Thriller.'

What really matters is who you are when you step on the field, and I will let my bat and my glove speak for themselves.

I won't be happy until we have every boy in America between the ages of six and sixteen wearing a glove and swinging a bat.

I had a great shoe contract and glove contract with a company who paid me a lot of money never to be seen using their stuff.

Even if you buy a fur glove with the little trim, and you think 'Oh, my God, it's just a little trim,' that animal got clubbed.

When I throw a softball, there's no time to think about the motion of my arm. I just look at the first baseman's glove and react.

I have to have aftershave in my car. I actually have Gucci aftershave in the glove box that is just for the car, to make it smell nice.

Donning a glove for a backyard toss, or watching a ball game, or just reflecting upon our baseball days, we are players again, forever young.

It's a pretty sure thing that the player's bat is what speaks loudest when it's contract time, but there are moments when the glove has the last word.

I'm a businessman. I bring my bat and glove and attache case to the office and go to work. I don't give a damn if the other workers at the office like me or not.

I get a kick out of watching a team defense me. A player moves two steps in one direction and I hit it two steps the other way. It goes right by his glove and I laugh.

When I perform Strauss, it is as if the music fits me like a glove. My voice seems to lie in a happy area in this music, which is lyrical and passionate at the same time.

A thug is someone who stands on his own. He lives by the decisions he makes and accepts the consequences. A thug is comfortable in his own skin. I wear mine like a glove.

Parallels between classical and pop are not new. The whole San Francisco movement of John Cage and Terry Riley went hand in glove with what the Velvet Underground were doing.

Remember that cosmic fact and mental myth cannot occupy the same place at the same time, any more than two hands can occupy the same glove. So choose what is truly right for you.

It's your glove, your baseball glove. It's got a soul, a memory all its own, and a future that never fades because it has never let go of the grasp the past has on you and so many others.

When I was a kid, man, my dad used to buy me the Ted Williams glove at Sears with the Ted Williams shoes with the eight stripes on 'em. I used to play Little League, and I was Ted Williams-ed out.

I was in the Black Power movement. I feel as energized about Black Lives Matter. I don't feel in any way separated from Black Lives Matter. I do believe we are hand and glove. I am the legislative tool.

Fix your eye on the ball from the moment the pitcher holds it in his glove. Follow it as he throws to the plate and stay with it until the play is completed. Action takes place only where the ball goes.

I have big hands - I wear either a XXXL or XXL glove. I have a 6-8 wingspan on a 5-11 body - I can dunk. My wingspan allows me to do a lot of things that other people at my height might not be able to do.

The Hudson River lay flat and black like a lost evening glove. The clouds parted overhead as the distant moon threw a single, bright beam over lower Manhattan as though it were looking for its other half.

I thought Paulie could jump. I know he's not fleet of foot, but at least have some hops. I guess we know who is not going to win a gold glove. I was trying to become a spokesperson for the U.S. Postal Service.

There are a lot of people who influenced me, nurtured me, helped me along the way. But I can just recall looking back, the first time I got my baseball glove. Put it on the wrong hand, all those kind of things.

I always tried to watch the pitcher and his complete windup from the moment he had the ball in his glove all the way through his motion, and tried to follow it all the way out of his hand, all the way to home plate.

Finesse is catching the baseball on the edge of your glove when you're turning two, making the one-handed grabs and shoestring tackles by running across the field in football. And finesse is what I bring to fighting.

If I had to go back to something, I would go back to the 'Victory Tour' of the Jacksons, because I love me some Michael Jackson. I'd get my one glove, and my high water pants on, and my sparkly socks and black loafers.

But more important than personal awards is winning the World Series. That's the max that anyone could ask for. Let alone to have the ball in your in your glove for the final out of the World Series. That was the ultimate.

One name always stands out when it comes to actors taking on the monsters of our nightmares - Robert Englund. In the 'Nightmare on Elm Street' series, Englund kept us awake as night with a striped shirt and his special glove.

My favorite leather jacket I got for 40 bucks at the Fairfax Flea Market, like, eight years ago. Leather just gets better over time. There's something about a jacket that you have over years and years - just fits like a glove.

Certain guys, they can see a guy do a certain thing with their glove and know what pitch is coming. I couldn't do that. But I can get on first base and I can tell you by his move if that pitcher is going to first base or home plate every time.

I'm the catalyst for the downfall of the Blairites, the Clintonites, the Bushites, and all these dreadful people who work hand in glove with Goldman Sachs and everybody else, have made themselves rich, and ruined our countries. I couldn't be happier.

I was the Head Boy of East High School in 1999. I represent 303 - the area code, not the band - Mile High, until I die. I'm 31, a comedian; I juggle, but I don't glove it. I think waxed mustaches run a very thin line between hipster and 1800s barkeep.

History is the history of human behavior, and human behavior is the raw material of fiction. Most people recognize that novelists do research to get the facts right - how a glove factory works, for example, or how courtesans in imperial Japan dressed.

My earliest memory is seeing Michael Jackson in Melbourne with my sister when I was about ten. I still have this souvenir stick with a glove that would light up and make a peace sign in a bunch of different colors. I'm so happy my mom didn't throw that out.

You're trying to form this human being that will fit the bill, and the human being becomes a hand, and the research is a glove, and you try to bring this character together into the research, mesh it, and create this person that is the sum total of all that endeavor.

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