I love a good pair of sweats!

There's nothing like a good pair of heels.

Every guy should own one good pair of jeans.

I love a good pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt on my day-to-day.

Every guy has to own a good pair of sweats. Any good workout gear, really.

Make sure you own a good bed and a good pair of shoes because if you're not in one, you're in the other.

I'd beg to differ from the common perception that real-life soul mates don't make a good pair on camera.

Every man needs a good pair of jeans. It's the ultimate wardrobe staple because most of us wear them more than anything else.

This is the kind of fashion I grew up on - a good pair of trainers, great denim - and I will always love high-end streetwear.

I feel like a good pair of diamond studs goes a long way. They make everything look dressy, and you just seem more put together.

If I find a good pair of jeans, I'll buy two, and get them hemmed to my height, and then I'll end up wearing those two for everything.

My day look is usually a good pair of jeans, my boots, and a cute T-shirt, but I love to get all dolled up in a dress and heels to go out.

My style statement is fun and flirty. My wardrobe must-haves are a good dress that can be styled differently, a good pair of jeans, and a few nice tops.

I feel like shoes are one of those things that no matter how conservative or how outrageous you get, a good pair of shoes is going to last you a lifetime.

Invest in a couple of really good things - a great, classic coat; a good pair of shoes; and a timeless bag - then fill in the gaps with lower-priced pieces.

A guy's biggest style mistake is definitely trying to look too cool. As long as you've got a good pair of jeans, a good pair of boots and a few good shirts, you're fine.

I'm blessed with a good pair of ears. That's how I fooled my piano teacher. I'd watch his fingers and I'd listen to it, and I just kind of basically learned it by myself.

If I have any justification for having lived it's simply, I'm nothing but faults, failures and so on, but I have tried to make a good pair of shoes. There's some value in that.

I like a good pair of jeans, but I also like putting on a nice tux. I'd rather go around in a good pair of jeans that you don't wash every day, because they get more and more comfortable.

I always say spend more on classics, like a good pair of leather trousers, an amazing tailored jacket, or a classic handbag. Then you can just mix your everyday tops from the high street.

It's a good pair of jeans and a pair of boots that are comfortable and a T-shirt; that's as far as I go. Getting wild with it might be a nice jacket, but I'm not a high-fashion guy for sure.

I prefer to leave a little room in my bag to grab goodies when I'm travelling, but otherwise you need one good pair of shoes that can be worn day or night, a pair of black jeans, and a nice dress.

The trick is, when you try a good pair of jeans on, you may not think they're that great, but you wear them two months, and they become your favorite jeans. They're tricky. You gotta let them live.

When I have a good pair of shoes, I wear them over and over. Whether it's nice sneakers or a cool pair of combat boots, splurge on a pair you love that you can wear over and over with totally different outfits.

As far as clothes are concerned, for the day, wear something chic: a good pair of jeans, crop, and open hair with a bright lip colour. For an evening, a nice pair of high-waisted trousers and a nice blouse looks great.

Definitely, study is absolutely necessary in all forms - it's just like any talent that's born within somebody. It's just like a good pair of shoes when you put a shine on it, you know? Like, schooling brings out the polish of any talent. It happens anywhere in the world.

Growing up, I had only one good pair of shoes. So on rainy school days, my mom would slip plastic bread bags over them to keep them dry. But I was never embarrassed. Because the school bus would be filled with rows and rows of young Iowans with bread bags slipped over their feet.

Youth is a lifestyle; it's not a blessing from God. If we treat our bodies as if they are not the most precious things we possess, then obviously we will show wear and tear. We're like a good pair of jeans. If we take care of them, they'll remain classic forever, but if we batter and abuse them they'll look like tattered old rags.

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