I'm just a sucker for a good script.

I love TV, and I love a good script.

A good script can come from anywhere.

A good script makes our job a lot easier.

Well, I love TV, and I love a good script.

When there's a good script, everybody circles.

I wouldn't know a good script if it bit me in the face.

I don't want this big stardom thing. I just want a good script.

A good script and perfect casting, that's 90 percent of the work.

I only sound intelligent when there's a good script writer around.

There seems to be a pattern. I get one good script every two years.

I am open to any good script and the character I can do justice to.

I can now tell from the envelope whether or not it is a good script.

Every time I think I'm going to take it slow, a good script comes along.

Give me a good script, and I'll be a hundred times better as a director.

Stories matter to me. I look for a good script, story, and a strong part.

I am bound to get carried away by anyone who approaches me with a good script.

Sometimes I read a really good script, and I just know that it's not a good fit.

I feel I do not have script sense. Like Kartik Aaryan has a very good script sense.

When you get a good script, and the director gives you proper lines, half your job is done.

Promoting a stock is like making a movie. You've got to have stars, props, and a good script.

When you have a good script you're almost in more trouble than when you have a terrible script.

If it's a good script I'll do it. And if it's a bad script, and they pay me enough, I'll do it.

We thought we'd write a good script for women, giving them the fun roles that generally men get.

A good script and a good brief from the director is enough to let me know what is expected of me.

I'm just a sucker for a good script and people that are passionate about it. I love independents.

If you do not have a good script, then no matter what the genre is, the film will not be a success.

I try to steer away from doing something that's just commercial instead of sticking to a good script.

Whenever I get a good script, I don't care whether it's telly or theatre or big screen - I'm not bothered.

I accept offers only when people approach me with a good script, and all those experiences have been great.

At the same time, reading an action script... It makes me wonder. Was The Matrix a good script? I don't know.

Well, there's no question that a good script is an absolutely essential, maybe the essential thing for a movie.

I always wanted to work with Ayushmann Khurrana and I wished that I would get a good script to team up with him.

Doing 'YHA' felt as if I was shooting for a film because it was a love story with a definite ending and good script.

'Gujarat 11' has a good script; it is a full package of entertainment, comedy, emotions and has a message for the audience.

To find a good script is very important, because the chances and opportunities I would be getting will be very far and few.

It is important to be financially savvy when you turn producer. As a director, you just need to have a good script in hand.

My priority is the script. Get me a good script, and I will sign the movie. I think I should leave the casting up to the experts!

If somebody sent me a good script, I would do it, and I mean that, but it never happens. Not once. I can't even point to an exception.

It's great to imagine and visualise while reading a novel. It doesn't always work for a film. 'Pavithra' had a good script executed badly.

I was waiting for a good show on Amazon and 'Paatal Lok' had all of it - good script, story, and cast. It joined all the dots beautifully.

I was waiting for a good project in Malayalam. It is after a long gap that I will be seen in this industry and wanted it to be a good script.

You can have a million dollar, 20 million dollar budget or 60 million dollar budget, and if you don't have a good script, it doesn't mean a thing.

Finding one good script is a huge challenge. So I do a film whose script comes and grabs me. Once I finish that, I look forward to the next movie.

I'd love to work in the States; I'd love to work anywhere where you get a good script and a good part to play. But I do love British film as well.

Unlike Texas Rangers, we actors don't have a stop date, so I don't know about retiring. Sometimes I want to stop acting, but then you get a good script!

I need a producer who will look for a good script. I need a director whose purpose to make a film is not for his survival but because he loves making films.

I thought 'ER' was a really good script, but I didn't have any inkling that it would become the phenomenon that it did, and I don't think anybody did back then.

You just have to take these opportunities when they come along. They're not that frequent; you'll get a really good script, oh, maybe once a year if you're lucky.

I don't know about others, but I want to work in India, America, Iran, Europe, and Russia - everywhere. I am a sucker for good script; I'll go wherever it'll take me.

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