Good taste is always bad.

Passion paralyzes good taste.

You can't legislate good taste.

I'm big on what's in good taste.

Good taste consists first upon fitness.

Good taste is death; vulgarity is life.

If only art were as rare as good taste.

Good taste is the worst vice ever invented.

Good taste is not a substitute for knowledge

If you like my novels, I commend your good taste.

Don't confuse good taste with the absence of taste.

To understand bad taste one must have very good taste.

Pearls, including cheap ones, are always in good taste.

I'll let the people decide what they think is good taste.

Bad taste creates many more millionaires than good taste.

Advertising should always be in good taste without a question.

Independent booksellers tend to have good taste and big mouths.

Shock always sells. You know? But you could shock in good taste.

Menswear is about subtlety. It's about good style and good taste.

Sometimes it's more important to be human, than to have good taste.

Good taste doesn't exist. It is our taste. We have to be proud of it.

Intelligence is like good taste. If you don't have it, you don't miss it.

Good taste - that's all you really need when you're playing an instrument.

Good taste is better than bad taste, but bad taste is better than no taste.

There is a fine line between censorship and good taste and moral responsibility.

It is nice to know that even David Beckham doesn't have good taste in everything.

If you get an opportunity to work with David Simon, anybody with good taste would.

As a matter of fact , personally I am ok with exposing, as long as it is done in good taste.

Good taste is the modesty of the mind; that is why it cannot be either imitated or acquired.

Good taste is the first refuge of the non-creative. It is the last-ditch stand of the artist.

I've always had real good taste; no matter how poor I've been, I've had good taste in clothes.

I think the greatest gift your parents can give you if you want to be a comedian is good taste.

My family brainwashed me, like I'm brainwashing my children. They brainwashed me with good taste.

In my estimation, the only thing that is more to be guarded against than bad taste is good taste.

If Marilyn is in love with my husband it proves she has good taste, for I am in love with him too.

People pull away from something if it's not of good taste. People lean into something if it's okay.

You think your friends have good taste in fashion, until they ask you to wear an ugly bridesmaid dress!

Knowing what you can not do is more important than knowing what you can do. In fact, that's good taste.

The kind of people who always go on about whether a thing is in good taste invariably have very bad taste.

People call things 'vulgar' when they are new to them. When they have become old, they become 'good taste.'

Caesar was a man of great common sense and good taste, meaning thereby a man without originality or moral courage.

The four characteristics of humanism are curiosity, a free mind, belief in good taste, and belief in the human race.

We have learned the lines of good taste through history and our sense of guilt, be it post-colonial or post-Holocaust.

We are breaking new ground in the territory of dumb with 'Shooting Fish.' Dumb, but in good taste. Silly, but not ridiculous.

I'm not jumping into anything fast. I'm an actor that likes to choose my work and there's an element of good taste to my work.

I find that Americans completely lack sensibility and good taste. They are boring, and they all have faces like unbaked rolls.

My mum and my dad have really good taste in movies. My gran would tape them off the TV and write notes about them, rating them.

I believe in the producers at Constantin, and I know that they have a really good taste level when it comes to the creative side.

But Bill Clinton had the good taste to lie about his sexual peccadillos. He had the honor and the decency to want to cover it up.

I think good taste is completely subjective. If you enjoy something, that's great! Enjoy it, and don't let anyone tell you not to.

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