I grill, therefore I am.

I grill, like, every day.

If I could grill for breakfast, I would.

We have a George Foreman grill on the bus.

I just grill chicken and make very simple cuisine.

My first restaurant job was Knight of the Round Grill.

I grill all the time - burgers, ribs, chicken, steak, and fish.

For dinner, I'll grill chicken with asparagus and call it a day.

My wife gets so mad at me because I don't like to cook on the grill.

I like to grill, like a standard guy. I like to grill steaks and fish.

I dyed my hair blonde in that movie, so my head doesn't match my grill.

My grill is intended to be discreet. It's there because I enjoy jewelry.

The grill is the summer equivalent of a fireplace; everyone gravitates to it.

A grill is just a source of heat. Just like a stove, it is very user-friendly.

I cook a great fish, a great salmon. I grill it, get the skin nice and crispy.

If you're feeling adventurous, grill up some marinated octopus. It's so healthy.

I'm such an L.A. boy, I love hanging out by the beach and throwing some steaks on the grill.

I want somebody to push me and grill me and extract a performance out of me which nobody expects.

Grilling outside with my parents at the Jersey shore. We would grill lobster and corn in the summer.

I still love making hamburgers on the grill. I guess whenever I eat them childhood memories come up for me.

I like to sit around the pool, listen to music, barbecue, grill, stuff like that. Just the guy next door, I guess.

Not only is New York City the nation's melting pot, it is also the casserole, the chafing dish and the charcoal grill.

I will eat anything Mexican - a sombrero, hacienda... anything. They've perfected the combo of bread items and the grill.

I enjoy my food. I like to grill; I do that a lot. I like meat and have big dinners - steak, red meat splurges, prime cuts.

My grandmother was a chef, and she taught me to cook. One day I want a restaurant, a small Italian grill. That's my aspiration.

The first movie I produced was a movie that Joel Schumacher wrote and directed called 'Amateur Night at the Dixie Bar and Grill.'

Rubbing meat or vegetables with sweet and savoury spices before roasting or sizzling on a grill is what summer nights are all about.

Standing around the grill is fine, but I like to have my friends come in and out of the house. Movement makes the party more exciting.

Locker rooms and grill rooms are still the best places to find out things you don't know - at the Masters or any other golf tournament.

While a pot of boiling water may not offer the char or smoke of a grill, it does give the cook an advantage when it comes to seasoning food.

I don't cook ribs in my own home. I let my dad cook the ribs. He's from St. Louis, Missouri. I like to use a grill, but that's my dad's domain.

I adore burgers. I know they are bad for me, and only technically a sandwich, but a well made burger, juicy and hot off the grill, is wonderful!

I'm good with a grill. I like to make cheeseburgers - I once read in a David Goodis crime novel that you're only supposed to flip a burger once.

My aunt is a famous L.A. chef, Susan Feniger, and she's got Street and Border Grill. So a fun night out for me is to go to my aunt's restaurants.

I'm a pretty decent cook. I like to grill. I have a smoker that I love. I love me some steak. And I'll make a huge salad with a ton of vegetables.

Failing ownership of a wood-fired oven, whacking pizza dough straight on to the hot grill is the next best way to achieve that beautiful scorched crust.

When I figured out how to work my grill, it was quite a moment. I discovered that summer is a completely different experience when you know how to grill.

It is very important that when you put something on the grill, you leave it in place to cook. If you move it around too quickly, chances are it is going to stick.

For friends, I love to make bruschetta. I grill country bread with Frantoia olive oil and make toppings, like crab, roasted squash, mushrooms, whatever's seasonal.

One thing you don't want to do as a host is be running around all evening. Do as much as you can ahead of time, so all you have to do is grill the main ingredients.

My favorite thing to do... is to get my big trailer grill and smoke some meat and sit around with my buddies all day for 12 hours cooking that and then eat at the end of the day.

I love using gas grills because they are easier to heat and it's much easier to control the flames with a gas grill than with a charcoal fire. Grilling is not just about lighting a fire.

I did enjoy cooking, I still do really enjoy cooking - I make a nice salmon dish, and I'm a huge meat freak, so I love to bang a few steaks on the grill or pasta. Anything Italian, really.

When I get a chance to play golf or go on a boat with good people, take the boat out and put some lobsters on the grill, get the ice-cold beer and the cigars - that's heaven here on earth.

I know I can eat a lot. Normally, at home, I finish my steak, eat the rest of my fiancee's steak, and think about eating the two that are still left on the grill. I just can't stop eating.

The perfect way for an angler who loves to cook to show off his fish is serving it whole, fresh off the grill, with crispy skin and moist flesh. Problem is, that's not usually how it happens.

If you're going to saute something, lightly spray olive oil in the pan or on veggies before you serve them. It adds a nice flavor. We grill a lot, so I'll use a little on my corn or my shrimp.

My mother was not the cook in the family. My dad was. I'd watch him behind the grill, and I said, 'If I ever make it and have enough money, I'm going to make sure I dine in the best restaurants.'

When you play me, I'm going to get right up in your grill and let you know it's going to be a long day. It's going to be physical. It's going to be something you don't like. It's going to be hell.

The Lamb's Club is going to be a luxury bar and grill; we're not doing an overly fancy restaurant. We wanted to make a space that people will come to every day, almost like a very high-end bistro.

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