I'm a bit of a groupie.

I was an intellectual groupie. Still am.

There are no big groupie fans or anything.

As far as groupies, I never saw any of them.

Europeans don't seem to have the groupie mentality.

Male groupies gettin' shaky when I come from the rear.

We don't get groupies.We get teenagers who want to read us their poetry.

I'd love to be a pop idol. Of course, my groupies are now between 40 and 50.

I did not let people tell me what to do, and I never wanted to be a groupie.

Out on a 30 day tour, you got nothing, but groupies and promoters to love you.

I was a massive Whit Stillman fan. Groupie. I would have done anything for him.

I was a groupie for a year and followed a band. I dated the drummer of the band.

I don't get starstruck by musicians anymore, but podcasts? I'm a total podcast groupie.

I got into physics through pop science and quantum science and ended up being such a quantum groupie.

I don't think of anyone as a 'groupie.' People who connect with my music are just inspiring and amazing.

There's male groupies - guys that wanna stand next to you to get to the girls. A male groupie is the worst.

I'm turned off by the groupie thing. I'm a romantic; I like finding the right woman, and if it works, it works.

I don't talk to the groupies. I talk to nice, upstanding women. The groupies don't get my attention. It's the women that I like.

I loved Wilson Pickett, so I just went on from there. I became sort of a semi-groupie because, I don't know, I got bitten by the music bug.

If I weren't performing, there is a real chance that I would be a 'One Man, Two Guvnors' groupie. I think that production is masterful in every way.

As soon as the groupie finds out that you make errors in everyday life like everybody else does and that you are human, they turn on you and hate you.

I learned early on that most yoga poses are about showing off. You find something amazing you can do, and suddenly, Shazam—you’re a guru, ready for your groupies.

I guess I've always been a groupie. My first date was a bull rider called Tommy Lee Bryant. We'd go to the rodeo every Saturday and Sunday. The bull riders were the cool guys.

You learn that the only way to get rock-star power as a girl is to be a groupie and bare your breasts and get chosen for the night. We learn that the only way to get anywhere is through men. And it's a lie.

I was obsessed with The Who. I would have accepted a marriage proposal from Roger Daltrey on the spot. I went to all of their shows in San Francisco and some in L.A. That was as close as I got to being a groupie.

People think being Elvira is a lot of fun - and it is - but I was doing a lot more bizarre stuff before then, just being a dancer and a showgirl and traveling around Italy in a band and working for Playboy Club, and later being a model and meeting a million and one people and being kind of a groupie... It's all been really interesting.

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