I don't hold grudges.

I don't hold grudges.

I hate holding grudges.

But I don't hold grudges.

I don't hold any grudges.

Suarez? I bear no grudges.

I'm Polish, I carry no grudges.

Life's too short to hold grudges.

Life is too short for long-term grudges.

I don't hold grudges or bitterness about the past.

Life is too short to hold on to the past and grudges.

I bear no grudges. I have a mind that retains nothing.

It's not for me to hold any grudges or anything like that.

I hold grudges, but I can't hate nobody; that's not my nature.

I don't like to hold grudges, I don't like to talk ill of people.

Sharks don't target human beings, and they certainly don't hold grudges.

I really don't hold grudges. I mean, I remember everything, but I move on.

Instead of holding grudges, it's better to learn from the bad experiences.

I'm not normally the kind of person who holds on to grudges, I'm really not.

People have things that happen between them. I certainly don't keep grudges.

Me being a compassionate person, I would never hold any grudges against my ex.

I'm just a person who forgives and forgets. I have a hard time holding grudges.

I see no point in holding grudges. I'd rather not have any negativity within me.

There's times I blow my gasket. One thing I learned is I don't hold any grudges.

People go forward in life. Bitterness and grudges and resentments only poison it.

To be fair, life is too short. There is no point holding grudges or anything like that.

At least in my life, I cannot hold onto grudges. It's a waste of energy, a waste of time.

I don't hold any kind of grudges for anything, and you never know what will happen at anytime.

I've always hated the idea of carrying grudges and resentments around like a load of mouldy suitcases.

We cannot embrace God's forgiveness if we are so busy clinging to past wounds and nursing old grudges.

I believe that life is short, and there is too much time wasted bearing grudges, and I like to move on.

I am not someone who holds grudges, and I want to remember the good things about our time with Mourinho.

We should learn not to hold grudges and be positive all the time because life is too short and unpredictable.

People say that forgiving is my flaw, but I really believe that holding grudges and anger is a waste of energy.

I learned a long time ago that you need to bury the hatchet. No need to hold grudges. That only weighs you down.

In wider spaces, people bearing historical grudges with each other were separated by the muting qualities of distance.

It's a family that's loaded with grudges and passion. We come from a long line of robbers and highwaymen in Italy, you know. Killers, even.

Obama's extraordinary political skills suggest he is more than capable of rising above any personal historical grudges he may have inherited.

We believe Russian-American relations are broader and larger than emotions and mutual grudges, including the situation with the U.S. fugitive Edward Snowden.

I've learned lots, obviously - the first thing being never to forget to be grateful. The second is not to bear grudges, because in football, luck does not exist.

I have some girls who I look back on and I think, 'Wow, they were really horrible to me.' I would love an apology from a few girls, but whatever. I'm not holding any grudges. I'm over it.

I realized I'd built up walls and carried grudges for years. I had a lot of animosity, dating back to when I was growing up, toward people who told me that what I was doing datingwise was wrong.

There's enormous energy required to carry grudges - enormous energy! And I'm getting too old to expend my energy that way, cause I think every person has a limited amount of energy. So I have given up all grudges.

The history of the Welsh, the Irish, the Highlanders, is just the same as that of the Gauls, one of internecine feud, no political cohesion, no capacity for merging private interests, forgetting private grudges for a patriotic cause.

Your political reputation affects how likely allies are to trust you, and what kind of deals they'll offer at the negotiating table. There's also some emotional response in there, so factions do bear grudges. Just like the real thing.

People always make a lot about how I don't carry grudges. That's my religious upbringing. I went nine years without missing Sunday school. Lutheran. I can't live with hatred inside of me. That's what I learned. I ain't scared of dying, either.

What's really cool about our family is that we don't hold grudges, and I think that is what's been the key to the success. We get into our little disagreements, and whether we're right or wrong, we'll go and apologize. That's just the way we are.

I am someone who can't hold on to negativity or hold on to grudges. I might feel something at a certain point, but I get tired after that. I don't carry it with me. I forgive and forget very easily, and that's the only way to be happy and peaceful.

Resentments and grudges are two of the main culprits that perpetuate cycles of self-abuse and victimhood. Stowed away inside you like parasites, they deplete you of your God-given life force and separate you from your inherent worth, your joy, and the love in your heart.

I was pretty dead set against ever writing an academic novel. It's always been my view that there are already more than enough academic novels and that most of them aren't any good. Most of them are self-conscious and bitter, the work of people who want to settle grudges.

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