I pride myself on being able to get the guys lined up on the team, and being a great teammate and also doing my job.

A lot of guys go in immediately for status, as opposed to comfort and allowing their home to tell a story about them.

There's a lot of guys that just get comfortable with their positions and rest on their laurels. I had to earn my way.

I've decided to take advantage of outsourcing. My next novel will be written by a couple of guys in Bangalore, India.

I have a good house for hosting, so we had the barbecues, and some of the guys over for Thanksgiving, even Christmas.

I was always a hard worker, but when I was younger I didn't have to put the extra work in like some of the other guys.

Five guys on the court working together can achieve more than five talented individuals who come and go as individuals.

Most of the real bad guys in the world are people like you and me; they're not stupid, and you can't smell their horns.

You definitely see a difference in some guys' games when they do get paid. I'm trying to make sure I'm not that player.

I never see my bad guys as simply bad. They want pretty much the same thing that you and I want: they want to be happy.

Well, I've always been a character actor, you know, and you always get your share of character actors who are bad guys.

I'm not one of those guys that has a great worldview. I kind of deal with terror and fear and isolation and abandonment.

A lot of guys are starting to get away from trying to jerk these heavy weights and throw all these heavy weights around.

Right now, my job is that I'm like an ambulance chaser. I've got to look for movies with white guys falling out of them.

One of my favorite guys when I was young... I've always loved Bill Cosby. I've always wanted to direct him in something.

Most guys with toupees overcompensate. They want too much hair. They end up piling it high, looking like a weird flower.

We are at a point now where people respect us and respect our work - the guys want to sit down and watch women's matches.

Marijuana is not tested for, and yet that is the big thing guys are getting in trouble with in the league. It's terrible.

Like most guys, I've always liked watches. I can always check the time on my phone, but having a watch is so much better.

Guys may feel spray tanning is taboo and think it's a girl thing, but you look better with it, so why wouldn't you do it?

I love 'Latina'! You guys have always been so supportive of me and my career. Now I have my family, and it's just awesome.

One things guys have to remember is consistency... You can't make up for three years of eating poorly in just one workout.

It doesn't work if the bad guys kill his mother's uncle's friend's neighbor's pet dog. You've got to make the stakes high.

I'm progressive in some ways, old-fashioned in others. I like it when guys hold the door open and are sweet and thoughtful.

Guys like Philip Seymour Hoffman or Sam Rockwell are the guys I look up to and have the kind of career I'd like to emulate.

A lot of black guys always ask me, 'Did Larry Bird really play that good?' I said, 'Larry Bird is so good it's frightening.'

I like the guys on the team and the coaching here. I especially like the management. The Galaxy have been really good to me.

I wasn't getting a lot of game-time at Liverpool, you guys could see that. I was just playing cup games and stuff like that.

It's not that other countries steal jobs from you guys. It's your strategy. Distribute the money and things in a proper way.

I'm born and raised Long Island. Billy Joel, Paul Simon, Ben Gibbard - melody-driven guys... They shaped me, molded my music.

The music industry is dominated by guys. I work with men 98 percent of the time - producers, arrangers, musicians, engineers.

We are all built differently. Some guys are more powerful. Some guys are very tall. I'm not very tall, so I rely on quickness.

I have definitely had guys walk up to me, put their arm around me, and when they walk away, my shoulder smells like taco meat.

Quarterbacks like guys who try to do everything they can for them and put it on the line for them. So that's what I try to do.

If I had to name a few, I would say people like Sheamus, Kevin Owens, and John Cena are all great guys to be in the ring with.

It's a league where guys are trying to play to the best of their ability, whether you're a superstar or trying to make the NBA.

In the earlier years of my career, I made my own attempts to fit in and be accepted as one of the tribe of Sand Hill Road guys.

I wasn't a big guy. People thought the big guys would eat me up. But it was the other way around. I loved to fight bigger guys.

For me personally, I try to use my size to my advantage where I can either slip by guys or try to create more space for myself.

I want to be singing to everybody, and I want everybody to think that I'm singing to them. Guys, girls and everyone in between.

I watch a lot of ESPN. I just kind of keep it on for long periods of time and watch guys yell at each other about sports things.

I've met my share of guys who have insulted and assaulted my intelligence with their stories and games. I say hello and goodbye!

My friendship with The Doobie Brothers never really changed. We're all still good friends, and I really admire those guys a lot.

I'm trying to show people that I'm a person, and I deal with the same things as you guys, and I'm trying to make the best of it.

The secret of successful managing is to keep the five guys who hate you away from the four guys who haven't made up their minds.

To have a relationship that is pure and passionate and beautiful - I think people are scared of having that now. Especially guys.

Conor changed the game and he paved the way. He did those big numbers and I'm one of the guys who is going to carry that forward.

It didn't matter how good I was. It was always, 'You're a girl. You can't play with the guys.' It's always been motivation for me.

A lot of guys think you're almost supposed to just get stuff but you've got to put in the work, you've got to lay the foundations.

During the game, you don't really notice how many guys have touched the ball because you're just focusing on where you need to be.

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