I wish I could write easily. I'm one of those guys who's visited by the muse when things are dire.

I could be the best looking guy in the Duma, but that's only because all the other guys are over 60.

It's a tough world out there and all the guys are fighting hard and the competition is really tough.

I'd really like to do a movie again with Tim Robbins and Clint Eastwood. They were really good guys.

Wrong is wrong. Guys try to find a way to get the ball to reverse, but you have to stay in the laws.

It's definitely more fun playing a bad guy. It feels a lot better than playing one of the good guys.

I grew up listening to Barney Kessel and Wes Montgomery, Kenny Burrell, guys with blues backgrounds.

I don't want to be one of those guys where I go there and wait a long time before I become a starter.

Guys aren't threatening. Other girls are the competition. You are usually what they're fighting over.

Realistically you can't win no championship with three white guys because the foot speed is too slow.

I wish men would stop telling me how they are not 'bad guys,' how they're 'an exception to the norm.'

We'll be presenting a broad spectrum of the music and looking at how the younger guys can carry it on.

I don't go up to guys. I'm all about a guy sending me flowers, getting me chocolates and surprising me.

When I was younger, I was so damn pretty, I looked like a girl, so I understand why guys didn't like me.

You watch guys live through their peaks, and then unfortunately, you've got to come down from that peak.

When you travel on a bus with guys who love all kinds of music, you get exposed to some great stuff, man.

A lot of guys go into the NBA not being able to shoot the ball well, but then they become great shooters.

One of my pet peeves is when people think that pop guys go country when they can't make it in pop anymore.

I am not going to be one of these guys who doesn't defend his belt. I am going to defend my belt actively.

If you like Five Guys burgers, and you're in California, I was one of the people who helped bring it here.

I don't really have a type of guy I like. It's just like nice guys, cute boys I mean, ones that are funny.

I love jamming with my band because the guys inspire me every time. We all get off on each other's playing.

We have so many guys in the NHL who can lead by example and I embrace being a role model for a lot of kids.

It was the best job I ever had. I just left because my whole team was leaving and the new guys were coming.

There's a lot of people out there who don't love football, and I don't want anything to do with those guys.

I'm not dangerous, but I have a sharp nose. I will probably be playing bad guys forever because of my face.

Clearly, there comes a point where you have to demand from your front guys; goals is what sustain attackers.

Sure I played, did you think I was born at the age of 70 sitting in a dugout trying to manage guys like you?

From the beginning of time, the bad guys always had the best uniforms. Napoleon, the Confederates, the Nazis.

I'm not into one-night stands. I've only slept with three guys in my life and they all involve relationships.

One of the reasons I don't trust the media is you can't have a double standard for guys you like and dislike.

I prefer to fight a bigger guy. I don't like fighting smaller guys; they give me problems with their agility.

I know having a Jason Bourne all alone in a field firing at bad guys is much more dramatic, but it's not real.

A Rolex watch or an expensive car are the things guys often use to show status, wealth, and basic desirability.

I feel like we can learn from each other by us, being the young generation, giving knowledge to the older guys.

Guys cross train all the time. That's what Alpha Male's known for, guys have open doors to come in all the time.

I'm an African-American man with an Afro who isn't your typical athlete - who wasn't as masculine as other guys.

I never saw Frankenstein or King Kong or the Creature from the Black Lagoon as bad guys. They were the good guys.

I watch a lot of players. Guys like Kenneth Faried, his motor. I'm trying to take that and put that into my game.

In Hollywood today, it's cool for guys to wear nail polish and earrings in their lips and tongues. I don't get it.

The problem with paparazzi is that it makes you question your boundaries, like, how do I say, 'That's enough guys?'

In the wrestling world, we say the Judo guys are just the leftover wrestlers that couldn't make the wrestling team.

The guys who won World War II and that whole generation have disappeared, and now we have a bunch of teenage twits.

I always keep my guard up with guys and I guess that can get in the way sometimes. I can make them go through hell.

I like someone that I can actually talk to. I used to like quiet guys, but now, I like gentle and well-caring guys.

Any time you criticize these young guys, they call you a hater. They never ask you if the criticism is fair or not.

When it comes to guys, my dad is the measure of the perfect man. And that's a pretty tough standard to match up to.

Hulk Hogan, The Undertaker, Shawn Michales… the list goes on and on of great guys who made WrestleMania what it is.

Triple H and Shawn Michaels and all those guys are more than happy to let me be myself. They want me to do my thing.

You get guys around a campfire, and they start telling their stories. That's the fellowship that they want to be in.

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