I don't know a lot of agents like Al Hack.

I don't think I could hack it in the 200m.

It's a fine line between hack and good comedy.

I'm severely overrated. I'm just above a hack.

Hack Days were initially started for Yahoo employees.

My life isn't interesting enough for anyone to hack my phone.

If you hack the Vatican server, have you tampered in God's domain?

I take policy seriously; I'm not just trying to be a political hack.

Everyone is looking for the hack, the secret to success without hard work.

It's not the daily increase but daily decrease. Hack away at the unessential.

To be clear, any attempt to hack or to do anything nefarious is wrong and illegal.

I am not a political thinker. I'm not even much of a thinker. I'm a hack novelist.

You always feel like a hack and a fraud when you're writing. It's just how it goes.

It always seemed much better to be a writer - a Real Writer - than a successful hack.

Ronald Reagan was a dim hack who did horrible damage to almost everything he touched.

I honestly don't think I can hack it in the 9-to-5 world, though I've never actually tried.

I get hired to hack into computers now and sometimes it's actually easier than it was years ago.

We are a government of laws. Any laws some government hack can find to louse up a man who's down.

You are going to look comfortable only if your feel comfortable. That is probably the only fashion hack.

The hack songwriter will write the absolute truth every single word, whether it makes a great song or not.

Some brains are easy to hack into, and other brains are nearly impossible to hack into because they are so complex.

I am essentially a hack, a commercial person. If I had a hobby, I would immediately make money on it or abandon it.

I wanted to go to grad school for philosophy, but I couldn't hack it in college, at least I couldn't at that level.

The difference between a top-flight creative man and the hack is his ability to express powerful meanings indirectly.

I would like to spare the time and effort of hack reviewers and, generally, persons who move their lips when reading.

I'm severely overrated. I'm just above a hack. That should be the name of my new DVD: 'Chris Rock: Slightly Above Hack'.

A simple social engineering hack might involve leaving a thumb drive on the pavement close to the driver's door of a car.

I really didn't understand why hackers would want to hack into a classroom. Are they going to learn algebra? Maybe calculus?

Hack fiction exploits curiosity without really satisfying it or making connections between it and anything else in the world.

In tech entrepreneurship, even a lot of hack events tend to be overly commercial in that they're designed to produce companies.

If you can remove a female character from your plot and replace her with a sexy lamp and your story still works, you're a hack.

The thing about 'Spectre' is that it is not the work of hack writers. It does not have a hack director. The actors are not hams.

I spend a fair amount of time on my computer, but I don't hack into anything. I have to open the manual and follow instructions.

I once saw a TikTok beauty hack about taking a hot bowl of water and using it to steam your face. I tried it, and it feels so good.

It may be time for serious literary novelists to take back some of the subject matter we abandoned to hack novelists and the movies.

I was once called a hack, and when you put as much emotion into a piece of work as I do, to be called a hack is really heartbreaking.

I love to play guitar and hack around. I was in a band when I was in high school. I never learned to play very well, but I enjoyed it.

When events like the Sony Hack or the news of the Russian hack of our election, we're not shocked by such events, but they are troubling.

I'm an artist, and I love the visual. Fashion is high art sometimes and hack work other times, but it's something worthy of study and love.

I always give the encore over to chaos, so people can yell out requests and I can hack my way through a song that I don't really know anymore.

The fact you can manipulate people because you can hack them and learn everything about their personal lives - that's an immense amount of power.

I don't believe I'm psychic, but if I can get people to focus on a specific thought, I can hack into brains and figure out what they're thinking.

When Target gets hacked, I don't hear people saying, 'Hey, was it Kohl's? Was it Wal-Mart?' It doesn't matter. There was a hack; you deal with it.

There's no amount of money that makes you feel better when people think of you as a joke or a hack or a failure or ugly or stupid or morally empty.

I know that people hate me. And I know I'm just a hack journalist and what we do on 'Lifestyles' isn't what you would call television brain surgery.

By combining elements such as hypnosis, magic, neurolinguistic programming and psychology, I can make it appear that I can hack into people's brains.

I used to love Woody Allen but feel he's become a hack as a director. 'Bullets Over Broadway' is the only film of his I've enjoyed in the last 10 years.

No nose hair. Ever. You'd be surprised at all the little twigs sticking out. I just can't get it. How can you see that and not just want to hack it off?

Actually I like the idea of being a Renaissance hack. If tombstones were still in style, I would want to have the two words chiseled right under my name.

The times in my life I've felt the most alive is when I'm having a connection with people. We need to hack cities in a way to bring back that community culture.

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