I haven't seen my natural hair color in 20 years.

I used to experiment all the time with my hair color.

I'm a vegetarian and change my hair color as much as I can.

I've been every hair color under the sun for different projects.

You know, I've been playing with my hair color ever since I was nine.

My real hair color is kind of a dark blonde. Now I just have mood hair.

You know, I change my hair color a lot, I do all sorts of different things.

I never really dyed my hair anything significant from my natural hair color.

It is really interesting to change your hair color after being blond your entire life.

If they ever do my life story, whoever plays me needs lots of hair color and high heels.

I feel like when I went back to my original hair color, a little bit of an edgier side came out.

I'm very lucky because my eyes work with almost any hair color. Thanks for the genetics, parents.

The best anti-aging product is a great, natural-looking hair color, especially when you're graying.

Hair color is just an expression of something different that you want to have, or something creative.

It's fun to be blond, and it's almost difficult to remember how I used to look with my proper hair color.

Hair color is the easiest way to change your appearance, but a bad dye job might draw more attention to you.

I've had watermelon hair where I had pink with green tips. From the age of 13 to about 19 or 20, I never had my real hair color.

There is a striking difference in my look in Burma.' I've experimented with my hairdo, and got a new hair color especially for the role.

It's so different when you change your hair color, you're treated so differently. It's a very funny experience. It's fun - I love changing up my hair.

As an actor, you gain weight, you lose weight, you change your hair color, and you make changes physically and emotionally to be able to understand the character.

It's a compulsion. I'm always changing parts of me. Even when I was young, I wanted to change my hair color. I was so determined that I dyed my hair with Kool-Aid.

The biggest misconception about me is the bad-boy image that everyone stuck me into due to my tattoos, drug days and the constant changes I make with my hair color.

I was at a U2 concert and someone asked me if my hair color was real... I thought to myself, if I had $1 for every time someone asked me this, I would be very rich.

I love changing hair color. I love doing hair shape. I love the social aspect of salons. I love clients, and because of doing hair, I've heard so many life stories.

Whatever hair color I have on my head, that's what decides what type of outfit I'm going to wear, because not everything goes with your hair color. That's why I switch it up.

I've always been a fan of the Dark and Lovely brand. I grew up using their products at home. I only work with brands I believe in, and I'm so happy to be a hair color ambassador.

As an actor, particularly because I'm - I would call myself a character actor. I change my look, my physical appearance and my body, my hair color, my whatever all the time for a role.

I know how influential I am over my fans and followers. I feel like everything I do, my hair color, my makeup, I always start these huge trends, and I don't even realize what I'm capable of.

My hair color is super important to my look because I feel like it helps kind of define who I am. It's like a characteristic of mine that makes me feel comfortable and different from the rest.

Orange County is a place where you can ask people if that's their real hair color; you can ask them if that diamond is real; you can ask if that car is a lease. But you cannot ask if someone is a Democrat.

I remember walking into drugstores when I was younger and seeing all the hair color boxes on the shelves and just being so in awe. Having the control to dye your hair and change your look is such a part of self-expression.

'Drag Race' doesn't claim to represent drag as a whole. 'Drag Race' is a reality show. If you see real drag shows, we just do drag and respect each other's art and who your real identity is - name, gender, hair color, anything.

I think my least favorite hair color was the hair color that I had in 'Pitch Perfect 2.' They really wanted me to be dark red, and I wanted to be lighter like I was in the first movie, but they didn't want that. But I rocked some light red for a year, after it faded.

I have had every hair color. I joke with my hair colorist. She keeps sheets of paper on every hair color that I've had, so she has records of it all. She's done my hair since I was 15, and I guess I have a thick folder going because I've had so many different hair colors.

The rich are different. Their wants are very high maintenance. They'll pick eye color and hair color, all the way down to what she does for a living, what school she went to. Their list can be extremely long. But at the end of the day, dating is dating, because they're human beings.

I really love Beyonce. I like to look to her because we look similar; we have similar features about ourselves. So whenever I see that she's using a new product, or a new hair color, I like to look at her. because I know that if it looks good on her, it's something that I could try.

When I was 16, I started to spend a lot of time in Soho and downtown New York and noticed everyone's style and the eclectic things people would wear. And that's when I started to experiment with things like my lipstick and mixing different kinds of pieces and, of course, my hair color.

When I was a child I asked my mother what homosexuality was about and she said - and this was 100 years ago in Germany and she was very open-minded - 'It's like hair color. It's nothing. Some people are blond and some people have dark hair. It's not a subject.' This was a very healthy attitude.

I get my highlights touched up with Susan Henry at Shades in Beverly Hills. She developed hypo-allergenic hair color products with no ammonia because she's allergic to others; she's an incredible colorist. She does balayage instead of the foils, and I'll go and she will do my entire head of highlights in an hour.

Go to a wig store with your girlfriends, never by yourself. You need someone to say, 'Girl that looks good!' You need someone to encourage you to try pieces on. Try to purchase a wig close to your natural hair color as possible, don't come in with brown hair and try to leave as a redhead unless you are fine with that!

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