I'm a big Hall and Oates fan.

I saw Ray Charles at Massey Hall.

I'm a Hall of Famer at retirement.

Never take an elevator in city hall.

I'm trying to make the Hall of Fame.

I think Wallace Hall is an imbecile.

Dick Murdoch is a true Hall of Famer.

Dwight Howard is a Hall of Fame player.

I wanted to be like 'Kids in the Hall.'

Where's the CNN town hall for sanctuary cities?

It is an honour to fight at the Royal Albert Hall.

The sooner I get into the Hall of Fame the better.

It's every singer's dream to get to Carnegie Hall.

I wrote a lot in study hall to while away the hours.

I am in my own hall of fame, that's all that matters.

My Hall of Fame speech was about respect for the game.

Prince presented us at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

My drum sticks are in the 'Hall of Fame.' I know that.

Hopefully I can end up in the WWE Hall of Fame one day.

Leadbelly's guitar is in the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame.

Uriah Hall is on the level of Anderson Silva's striking.

I lost money, coaching jobs, a shot at the Hall of Fame.

It would be a dream to perform at Radio City Music Hall.

My first gig was at Radio City Music Hall when I was 13.

You have to retire before you can make the Hall of Fame.

I'm from the Caribbean, and I love the dance hall sound.

Earl Hebner should definitely be in the WWE Hall of Fame.

I think it was fantastic being in the 49ers Hall of Fame.

UFC, take me off your list. Take me off your Hall of Fame.

My hopes and dreams are to be in the Hall of Fame one day.

I play this game to win Super Bowls and be a Hall of Famer.

I'm not sure Mark McGwire was a Hall of Famer to begin with.

Larry Brown molded me into an MVP and a Hall of Fame player.

Well, dojo is a traditional Japanese word for training hall.

I made it, Ma - Carnegie Hall. And I didn't have to practice.

Tainted numbers, I believe, do not belong in the Hall of Fame.

Anything that was perverse and silly would be Kids in the Hall.

Mickey' is in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as a one-hit wonder.

I never figured I'd go into the Hall of Fame. A kid from the Hill.

Once I made a boyfriend dress up as Woody Allen from 'Annie Hall.'

I mean, 'Kids In The Hall' is the reason I have any career at all.

Tammany Hall and slavery usually found 'The Herald' on their side.

I don't think there should be a Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, period.

With the Giants I broadcast the debut of Hall of Famer Willie Mays.

There is no more sombre enemy of good art than the pram in the hall.

While filming 'Annie Hall,' I never really hung out with Woody Allen.

Every day we make more progress toward understanding the concert hall.

My family and relatives alone could fill Shanmukhananda Hall in Bombay.

I don't want to be in the Hall of Fame. I don't think owners should be.

If you don't clap for Todrick Hall, guess what Mary, you're a homophobe.

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