Sacred cows make the tastiest hamburger.

Neil Hamburger writes such cutting jokes.

A homemade hamburger can be a real treat.

I wouldn't eat a hamburger for 40,000 dollars.

Rock and roll is the hamburger that ate the world.

A hamburger by any other name costs twice as much.

We take the hamburger business more seriously than anyone else.

Give me Caviar Kaspia and give me a hamburger. I love the two extremes.

So I will say it with relish. Give me a hamburger but hold the lawsuit.

Short ribs in the middle of a hamburger? That was pretty groundbreaking.

You turn hotdogs with tongs. Don't you ever use those tongs on a hamburger.

After a long day at the beach, a hamburger and fries usually does the trick.

I love hamburgers, but if you give me a hamburger for every meal, I'm gonna tire of it.

Man who invented the hamburger was smart; man who invented the cheeseburger was a genius.

Everyone has a right to a university degree in America, even if it's in Hamburger Technology.

If I want a hamburger, I'm going to have one. No 21-year-old should be worrying about whether she fits a sample size.

I have done a Hamburger Helper commercial, a Hardees commercial, a McDonalds commercial. American Express commercial.

There are a zillion variables to a hamburger. What part of the animal went into it. What coarseness. What temperature.

When I was growing up, I never really ate vegetables. I was just a hot dog, hamburger, French fry person like most kids.

Why something in the public interest such as television news can be fought over, like a chain of hamburger stands, eludes me.

As a writer, you have to be near people and hear stuff. I'm a hamburger and cheese kind of fellow; I'm not Henry David Thoreau.

To get rid of my cellulite, I'd have to go on a diet. I don't want to do that; I want to eat. If I want a hamburger, I'll have one.

I want to keep fighting because it is the only thing that keeps me out of the hamburger joints. If I don't fight, I'll eat this planet.

If it's flipping hamburgers at McDonald's, be the best hamburger flipper in the world. Whatever it is you do you have to master your craft.

Dream food day, hmm - maybe a hamburger and fries, but honestly, it's not really a dream because I tend to eat what I want to for the most part.

The way we subsidize food makes it cheaper to go to McDonald's and get a hamburger than a salad, and that's insane. It's pure government policy.

Most people don't know I have a weird pregame meal. I'm picky, so all I eat are grapes and a hamburger with nothing on it. I get the meat, the bun - that's it.

I'm just angry at the sort of things that are winding up in ground beef. I'm angry that other people - mainly children - are going to be sickened by eating a hamburger.

To eat well, I always disagree with critics who say that all restaurants should be fine dining. You can get a Michelin star if you serve the best hamburger in the world.

I love a good piece of pizza. I love a good hamburger. If I don't let myself have those things, there's going to be a week where I just go off the deep end and eat nothing but that.

So, this is my plea to all Western editors and producers: Display the Muhammad cartoon daily, until the Islamists become accustomed to the fact that we turn sacred cows into hamburger.

I want people to come to town and come by the shop and buy a T-shirt, then go by the bar-and-grill and have a hamburger or go hear some music. I want to be a destination - the destination.

I'm always down to try a new burger, but Shake Shack is still my top. What makes them so special is for the bread they use Martin's potato rolls which is just the best hamburger buns ever.

In 2012, a hamburger cost Amtrak $16.15, with riders paying $9.50. This means that we, the taxpayers, are forced to pick up the tab for the remaining $6.65 through subsidies provided to Amtrak.

In my opinion, it has never been proven that food even has calories. When I bite into a hamburger, I see pickle and ketchup and bun and meat, but if there's a calorie in there, it must be hidden.

I often want things to make definite statements. If I order onions sliced thinly on my hamburger, I don't want them to come out sort of medium. But that doesn't mean it's a reasonable desire, in all things.

For our first date, I made Ryan Hamburger Helper, which is basically what I grew up on. I make my own version of it now, with macaroni and cheese and hamburger meat. And the kids - it's their favorite dinner.

When you're doing that you lose your focus on the discipline of the business, and how you train people at Hamburger University, and everybody gets on a bigger, different vision, and they're not on the same page.

Grand Slam losses are hard. I treat myself after losses though, I usually go to McDonald's and I have a hamburger and you know, something. Because you know, you just need to be nice to yourself sometimes after the loss.

In the States, you can buy Chinese food. In Beijing you can buy hamburger. It's very close. Now I feel the world become a big family, like a really big family. You have many neighbors. Not like before, two countries are far away.

Really, the only way to face the biggest problems we have is for the government to change the way they subsidize food. The way we subsidize food makes it cheaper to go to McDonald's and get a hamburger than a salad, and that's insane.

Seagulls are a landfill nuisance because they fly away with food scraps and, as is their reputation, fight each other over them midflight, often losing them, and soon a lady has a half-eaten hamburger splashing into her backyard pool.

The Kobe craze really annoyed me. Most of the practitioners had no real understanding of the product and were abusing it and exploiting it in terrible and ridiculous ways. Kobe beef should not be used in a hamburger. It's completely pointless.

Sometimes kids want a hamburger, but I'll fill it up with a quinoa tikki. We eat makhana instead of popcorn; we even take it to the movie theater! I also mash up a lot of vegetables and put it in the aata, so they don't realise they are eating vegetables.

I would cry all of the time and I didn't know why! I was having shows and after the show I would go to the room, order a big hamburger and a vanilla shake or something like that... and cry because I was so depressed... I think it was because I was too tired.

The videos I put on YouTube have expanded my audience beyond what I could have done at just a Hamburger Mary's. People saw the videos, started booking me, and literally 40-plus countries and thousands of gigs later I can basically say that YouTube has bought me a house.

I always admired Ray Kroc, the man who invented McDonald's. Ray had a vision of the most commonplace thing - a hamburger and fries to go - but to him it was just the greatest thing ever, and he was going to make it the greatest thing ever for everybody else, and he did.

Ya know, I always admired Ray Kroc, the man who invented McDonald's. Ray had a vision of the most commonplace thing - a hamburger and fries to go - but to him it was just the greatest thing ever, and he was going to make it the greatest thing ever for everybody else, and he did.

If only meat weren't so delicious! Sure, meat may pave the way to a heart attack. Yes, factory farms torture animals. Indeed, producing a single hamburger patty requires more water than two weeks of showers. But for those of us who are weak-willed, there's nothing like a juicy burger.

From a young age, I understood the idea of balanced flavor - the reason you put ketchup on a hamburger. I was that kid who wouldn't eat something if there was something missing. I never really understood it until I began cooking professionally, balancing acids, sweets, spicy flavors and fat.

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