I'm hardly a saint.

I hardly ever drink.

I hardly own a sari.

I hardly ever work out.

I hardly use cuss words.

I hardly went to school.

I hardly wear any makeup.

I have hardly any eyebrows.

Gossip is hardly uplifting.

I hardly ever get in the box.

I hardly ever go to the movies.

I hardly even leave my own house.

I hardly ever remember my dreams.

Sex is hardly ever just about sex.

I hardly see myself as a futurist.

I hardly ever go out when I'm home.

With my child, I hardly watch TV now.

I've hardly ever played urban characters.

I have hardly any friends who aren't gay.

I've hardly taken a photograph since 1967.

One hardly saves a world without ruling it.

I'm not surprised by hardly anything anymore.

I can hardly decide what plays I should be in.

I can hardly understand the Australian accent.

We could hardly wait to get up in the morning.

Some directors hardly talk to the actors at all.

I hardly ever write when I'm just feeling great.

A melody without the right rhythm hardly exists.

I hardly ever stretch the canvas before painting.

I'm hardly disinterested totally in my appearance.

On TV, one hardly gets opportunities to experiment.

There's hardly any governmental censorship in Korea.

I do not want to be 36 years old and can hardly walk.

Hardly nobody gets to live two genders in their life.

Onstage, I am a devil. But I'm hardly a social reject.

Punjab history is hardly taught to students in schools.

Literature matters so much to me I can hardly stand it.

I'm hardly macho. I present myself as very unnoticeable.

The kind of content I want to be part of is hardly made.

I don't like journalists and I hardly ever talk to them.

I'm hardly physically right for the hero parts, now am I?

Once investors come in, it's hardly your company anymore!

I haven't read hardly any Westerns, to tell you the truth.

Even around my family, I hardly spoke. I was very reserved.

Technology changes all the time; human nature, hardly ever.

Social order at the expense of liberty is hardly a bargain.

To be in love with Debo Devonshire is hardly a distinction.

Hardly anybody in America pays attention to local elections.

I was such a New Yorker, I hardly knew what the Oscars were.

French design hardly exists, except as artificial modernism.

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