Having a baby can be a scream.

I'm definitely up for having a baby.

I'm loving the idea of having a baby

Having babies is a blessing, not a duty.

It's a pretty brutal process, having a baby.

I do not believe having a baby is punishment.

Having a baby is the best thing in the world.

Completing a book, it's a little like having a baby.

I got introduced to audiobooks because of having a baby

I got introduced to audiobooks because of having a baby.

I now need to take a very aggressive approach to having a baby.

The only way I'm interested in having a baby is the old-fashioned way.

I am a mother and I know the feeling of having a baby come out of my gut.

Having a baby is a disaster for your career. I don't think there's any sympathy.

I'm different to how I used to be but then I think having a baby changes everyone.

I'm proof that, even after having a baby, you can look better and sexier than ever!

I am sure having a baby around a working environment changes the tone a little bit.

Having a baby dragged me, kicking and screaming, from the world of self-absorption.

I like showing moms what it's really like having a baby, and how it's not Hollywood life.

A woman can tell me about her having a baby, but I'll never know what it is to have a baby.

Having a baby is part of a woman's life, and it is surely a great waste to be afraid of life.

I thought I might not want to act any more after having a baby. It turns out I still enjoy it.

For me, there's a big difference between having a baby in your 20s and having a baby in your 40s.

My advice for men who aren't yet parents is to make sure you're a happy person before having a baby.

Having a baby is a life-changer. It gives you a whole other perspective on why you wake up every day.

When you're making an album, it's kind of like having a baby. You have to really put everything into it.

Having a baby is one of the most wonderful things in your life, as well as the hardest thing in your life.

Sometimes writing a novel is not unlike having a baby. You'd have to ask a female novelist to compare the pain.

To finally get that call from the doctor that you're pregnant and you're having a baby.... It was just another world.

My friends who have babies can't do anything. You can't go out at night. Having a baby is like a DUI from the universe.

Having a baby takes so much from you. It's the most glorious thing you'll ever do, but the aftermath is not so glorious!

Now the thing about having a baby - and I can't be the first person to have noticed this - is that thereafter you have it.

My wife and I would be very comfortable having a baby at home or using one of the terrific nurse-midwives at the hospital.

Having a baby will put your marriage through the ringer, and if you're lucky, you'll come out the other end stronger for it.

I think that having a baby is going to change my mind in so many ways. I have no idea how, but I'm looking forward to finding out.

Having a baby changes the way you view your in-laws. I love it when they come to visit now. They can hold the baby and I can go out.

After having a baby, there will inevitably be something on your body - a mark, a scar or some loose skin - that wasn't there before.

I only became a celebrity because I had a kid. Before I was pregnant nobody cared. I joke to my agent that having a baby made my career.

I wasn't going to shy away from getting married when I did and having a baby young and starting a family, even with the job that I chose.

Certainly I see no reason why society should prevent grieving parents from having a baby cloned from the cells of a dead child if they wish.

If you don't have an idea, you can defer to someone else. It's like having a baby with someone - it's not a clone of you, but it's partly you.

The difference between writing a book and being on television is the difference between conceiving a child and having a baby made in a test tube.

Women always ask me how to get back in shape after having a baby. I always say, 'Know when's the right time for your workout and commit to doing it.'

When you see a merger between two giants in a declining industry, it can look like the financial version of a couple having a baby to save a marriage.

Having a baby on my own is a dream come true, but in my world, there's no sheepish spouse on his way home from a work trip to offer me a stretch of alone time.

I quite liked having a baby - I think I won't put it more strongly than that. But I had no intention of allowing motherhood to disrupt my work as an archeologist.

Somehow I am really relaxed within the chaos of having a baby - and anyone who's a mother knows it's very hard to relax, because there is so much to do and worry about!

I don't want to scar people with my baby flab. I have this extra skin that's hanging. I'm in shape, but my skin, from having a baby, is not cute, hanging off of my baby.

I've never been one to jump into fitness straight after having a baby. I always say if you grow it for nine months it should take that time at least to go back to normal.

All those cliches, those things you hear about having a baby and motherhood - all of them are true. And all of them are the most beautiful things you will ever experience.

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