My beard is owned by HBO.

I owe absolutely everything to HBO.

I have nothing but respect for HBO.

HBO Go is a fantastic way to spend your time.

I love HBO's 'Girls.' I like that show a lot.

In the U.S., HBO is a very aggressive service.

I love HBO productions, actually, like 'The Wire.'

I love 'Girls' on HBO because it's brave and cool.

You can't get any better than TV on HBO, ABC and BBC3.

It's pretty surreal to be doing a show on HBO with pals.

Then HBO was the pie in the sky. HBO is the absolute ultimate.

I am very lucky that my first film was fully commissioned by HBO.

I'm an HBO subscriber, and I watch a bunch of great shows on HBO.

Well, I'm about to do another western, a pilot for HBO this fall.

Before 'Mindhunter,' I was doing this show called 'Looking' on HBO.

When you're a comedian, the Holy Grail is an hour long HBO special.

I grew up watching PBS and wanting to be a part of it, just like HBO.

When dealing with HBO, you actually are dealing with real filmmakers.

I did an HBO movie called Undefeated that I directed. It was too hard.

When I got 'Stargate: Atlantis,' I said, 'Man, I'd love to be on HBO.'

We're closer to HBO than we are to the entire grid of cable on demand.

What's so valuable about HBO is they tell stories. We learn from stories.

Well I directed a few feature length things for HBO in the late eighties.

There's three networks you want to be on: It's either AMC, HBO, or Showtime.

I've come to regard the superior end of HBO drama as, above all, novelistic.

I'm very excited to fight for the first time in the United States and on HBO.

I'm strictly a movie person. I mean, I watch the HBO documentaries and Netflix.

It's my pleasure and honor to be here fighting on HBO and in the United States.

I've been a fan of Bob Odenkirk since he was on HBO originally with 'Mr. Show.'

The writing in those HBO dramas, like 'The Wire,' is as good as anything I've seen.

It's like, 'Sorry I passed you an STD but I really enjoy your quirky web presence.'

HBO is turning 'Game Change' into a miniseries, and they've cast Ed Harris as my dad.

My first writing jobs were writing Tom Arnold specials for HBO, so I love working there.

I am an unabashed HBO fan. This is why being on 'Silicon Valley' is kind of like a dream.

Game of Thrones' is an amazing show, and I have no problem speaking of the virtues of HBO.

I told my agent that I wouldn't do TV unless it was Ryan Murphy, 'House of Cards,' or HBO.

'Game of Thrones' is an amazing show, and I have no problem speaking of the virtues of HBO.

I have work, and then I have a dinner thing. And then I am busy, trying to become who I am.

At HBO, they seem to be well-informed. They make what I think are really quite mature films.

I remember very clearly when my dad first subscribed to HBO - 'Fraggle Rock' was a gamechanger.

I was lucky on 'Arli$$.' I basically got to do whatever I wanted because HBO is great for that.

HBO does something that most networks don't do which is give a show a chance to find their voice.

I don't think HBO would want to do anything in conjunction with Sub Pop but I never asked either.

HBO exists because people must have a place to say "f***" on television as many times as they can.

Television is completely another medium. For me, Lady Gaga and HBO are bringing us to mass culture.

HBO has 28 million subscribers, small stuff compared to TBS, which can be seen in 88 million homes.

I'm grateful to HBO for telling my story, and I'd like to thank everyone for their ongoing support.

I would have loved to have a role in the HBO series 'Deadwood.' It was Shakespeare in the Old West.

I have taken advantage of my husband, to the extent that I even got HBO to do a documentary with me.

As actors, if you get a pilot on HBO or on USA, your odds are good that it's going to get picked up.

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