Living on hypocrisy is not a healthy diet for patriots.

I eat a healthy diet and try to be gluten-free - my body functions better without it.

I naturally favour a clean, healthy diet. A salad sandwich is one of my favourite meals!

Though I don't have time to go to the gym, I am fit and active, and have a healthy diet.

A healthy diet is a solution to many of our health-care problems. It's the most important solution.

When we get in late and the only thing open is fast food, it can be tough to maintain a healthy diet.

I don't find it a struggle to maintain a healthy diet now as my palate has changed. I don't crave rich food.

There is really no room in any healthy diet for trans fat, artificial sweeteners, and artificial colors in food.

I eat all day long, I have a very varied and balanced and healthy diet, but it's very structured and disciplined.

If you maintain a healthy diet, or at least are smart about your food choices, you'll still see the pounds come off.

And I believe that the best buy in public health today must be a combination of regular physical exercise and a healthy diet.

You need a good, healthy diet - it's about finding out what your body needs. Sugar is a disaster for skin, as is white flour.

The easiest diet is, you know, eat vegetables, eat fresh food. Just a really sensible healthy diet like you read about all the time.

Getting as much sleep as possible and following a healthy diet will stop you from feeling run-down if, like me, you're super-stressed.

The number of kids affected by obesity has tripled since 1980, and this can be traced in large part to lack of exercise and a healthy diet.

I work out: I do a little jump-rope. I punch a bag in the gym. I do the treadmill. I do stationary-bike exercise. I maintain a healthy diet.

I have been really enjoying making a project out of seeking out an extremely healthy diet of raw, organic, vegan foods - and I plan on continuing to do so.

Just like keeping a healthy diet is important to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, eating the right foods is just as important for getting the most out of your workout.

It is extremely important to understand that a healthy diet is a lifestyle change in that it's not something you can just dip in and out of and expect results and or optimum health.

It's a very simple answer, how to get my abs so defined. I have a very healthy diet of a lot of laughter. If you laugh all the time, you're consistently flexing your abdominals all the time.

A 'healthy diet' includes meals rich in whole grains, vegetables, nuts and fruits. Lean protein such as fish and chicken are recommended, and processed meats, such as bologna or cured ham and bacon, should be avoided.

It's important to do what's right for you. Some people who have a healthy diet and exercise regularly will always be a size 14 because that is right for them. It's about being fit and healthy rather than being a perfect 10.

All fats do not behave the same way in your body, and certain fats, including the omega-3 fats in salmon and other fatty fish and the monounsaturated fats in nuts, virgin olive oil, and avocados, are integral to a healthy diet.

All the pre-made sauces in a jar, and frozen and canned vegetables, processed meats, and cheeses which are loaded with artificial ingredients and sodium can get in the way of a healthy diet. My number one advice is to eat fresh, and seasonally.

I still indulge in a glass of wine or chocolate - treats are mandatory. Without deviating from the day-to-day healthy diet once in a while, it wouldn't be sustainable for me, and that's what I wanted: an approach to eating to last my entire life.

Healthy people are those who live in healthy homes on a healthy diet; in an environment equally fit for birth, growth work, healing, and dying... Healthy people need no bureaucratic interference to mate, give birth, share the human condition and die.

I definitely try to eat a healthy diet, but I am the first person to say I love unhealthy food. I would never tell you I don't. I love fried chicken or mac and cheese. Do I order them all the time when I'm out at restaurants? No, though I do have one splurge meal a week.

A balanced diet and physical activity are vital to academic performance. A healthy diet has a direct link to increased cognitive function and memory skills, decreased absenteeism from school, and improved mood. These advantages can help students stay focused and complete their coursework.

Incorporating small changes/additions in one's daily routine can have a big impact. For example, eating a healthy diet, including a handful of almonds every day and a regular exercise regime, not only helps me maintain a healthy life but also balance both my family's health as well as my own.

To me, Ann Romney sounds like a better candidate than her husband. She put her MS into remission through horseback riding, alternative therapies, and a healthy diet. She knows how to pace herself. She has a sense of humor and an innate honesty, and her hair moves in the wind. Maybe she should run.

The medical literature tells us that the most effective ways to reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, Alzheimer's, and many more problems are through healthy diet and exercise. Our bodies have evolved to move, yet we now use the energy in oil instead of muscles to do our work.

The facts of the fossil record never justified denying poor people a healthy diet. The facts of the weather record do not justify denying poor people affordable energy. And no set of facts, whatever they may be, can justify denying scientists - or anyone else, for that matter - the right to free speech.

Resveratrol had a decent benefit when the mice were obese and sedentary. The mice that were fed a lean diet and resveratrol lived significantly longer than other treated mice as well as those that had no healthy diet and no resveratrol. So resveratrol is not an excuse to be lazy or eat whatever you want.

I'm terrible with my workout regime and following it strictly. I'm terrible with a healthy diet and following it strictly. I'm terrible on the weekends about getting up at reasonable hours and all of those things. But, when it comes to my work and the discipline it takes to get to work on time - I hate unprofessionalism.

The most important factors for a long life, I think, are partly in the genes; number two is lifestyle, which includes healthy diet and regular exercise. I walk, run and swim every day. However, I think too much exercise is also unhealthy because of over-stress; sometimes people who exercise too many hours per day die early.

Establishing healthy habits - like eating a healthy diet, getting plenty of sleep, and participating in regular exercise - can also go a long way to improving how you feel. Similarly, getting rid of destructive mental habits, like engaging in self-pity or ruminating on the past, can also do wonders for your emotional well-being.

You can change your body shape by permitting yourself to exercise and eat a healthy diet and so on - and we've heard miraculous stories of people who have lost hundreds of pounds, and they look like a completely different person - but that's not the norm for the average person, and a lot of times, people don't get that way in a healthy way.

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