Each man in his way is a treasure.

Every coach has his way of working.

Every player has his way of playing.

Every actor believes in his way of performing.

When Kobe talks, I shut up and stay out of his way.

The typical German coach wants things done one way - his way.

I'm just a simple man trying to make his way in the universe.

It's so strange that God has had his way of looking after me.

I think every filmmaker has his way of working, and I respect that.

You just have to go as far as you can go. Everyone works his way up.

I am not someone who forgets things and changes his way of thinking.

Who walks the fastest, but walks astray, is only furthest from his way.

As long as a man stands in his own way, everything seems to be in his way.

You can tell alot about a fellow's character by his way of eating jellybeans.

My father graduated from high school and didn't go to college and still found his way.

A job is a person's identity in a society, his way of living, and his relevance in society.

I appreciate Thomas Tuchel. He made his way through the ranks at Mainz from the youth teams.

It's a great honour that someone like Sir Alex Ferguson goes out of his way to mention my name.

The man who kills the animals today is the man who kills the people who get in his way tomorrow.

This is the law of God by which He makes His way known to man and is paramount to all human control.

When an opponent comes forward, move in and greet him; if he wants to pull back, send him on his way.

Can we get the average person on his way to work to pick someone up and drop them off once in a while?

My father in his way influenced me and my sister to educate ourselves and to try to do things in life.

I remember Michael dribbling at the top of the key. Everybody knew to just get the hell out of his way.

Coach Saban's a great coach; he does it his way, and I have to do it my way. I have to cut my own cloth.

It's always been my heart that God would save people through this crazy music somehow, someway, His way.

Safin, in his way, is very talented. It is a joy to watch them play; it is tennis of a very high quality.

Sometimes a person has to go a very long distance out of his way to come back a short distance correctly.

As the artist picks his way along, rejecting and accepting as he goes, certain patterns of enquiry emerge.

I don't think Alfonso was a big expert on Potter either. He was feeling his way through it more than I was.

If things don't go well, the manager is on his way because it's such a blow if you drop into the lower divisions.

As far as LeBron James, to me, he's on his way to carving out the very best career that's ever happened in the NBA.

The individual who can do something that the world wants done will, in the end, make his way regardless of his race.

Shinsuke - he is by far one of the best competitors in the world. It is no surprise to me that he found his way to WWE.

John Kerry only went to prep schools because he had an aunt who had the money to pay for his way into those prep schools.

The first thing I saw was that Brett Rogers had his way very quickly - in 20 seconds - with a UFC champion, Andrei Arlovski.

The right I claim is that of every human being to speak what he believes to be the truth to whomever he may meet on his way.

There's no denying it: I was a crappy baby who failed his way into this world, and I've been making the best of it ever since.

The best thing for an actor is to try it his way. The way they do it may not work, but it may inspire me to try something else.

Reasoning at every step he treads, Man yet mistakes his way, Whilst meaner things, whom instinct leads, Are rarely known to stray.

A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.

I was lucky to grow up at a time when it was not difficult for the child of a tenant farmer to make his way to the state university.

My dad didn't see limitations in himself or in other people. He did what he did his way and left behind an extremely unique footprint.

I was kind of a selfish child, who always wanted things his way, and I've kind of taken that over into my relationship with the world.

There is a destiny which makes us brothers; none goes his way alone. All that we send into the lives of others comes back into our own.

Ricky Hatton has no sense of anticipation of what's coming his way. You can teach him all you want, but he doesn't have those instincts.

Are you kidding? They had me at 'Star Wars.' The kid inside me would've clawed his way out and strangled me if I'd turned this job down.

We've had a tone-deaf White House that does not want to be reasonable. President Obama won't meet with the Republicans. It's all his way.

In New York, a Jew is a Jew, an Italian is an Italian, a Muslim is a Muslim: Nobody's going out of his way to treat you in a special way.

When I think of Morricone, more than his using a specific instrument or a specific sound, it's his way of approaching music that sticks out.

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