I'm hooked on martial arts.

I'm completely hooked on polo.

I've always been hooked on baking.

I'm hooked on Glenn Close in 'Damages.'

I got hooked on 'All Things Considered.'

If you have hooked legs, wear big decolte.

To be impatient is to be hooked on the future.

God has hooked me up.He has the life by design.

I was hooked in before hacking was even illegal.

My favorite horse was Zenyatta. She got me hooked.

After I got my first laugh on stage, I was hooked.

Anthony Bourdain was the one who hooked me on Laos.

I've been watching 'Power.' I've been hooked on it.

I got hooked up with WWE pretty early on in my career.

My dad got me hooked on the news. That was a good thing.

I'm hooked on email. That's right, kids, I'm one of you.

I tried Botox, but I don't want to be hooked on that stuff.

I believe once you watch a Miyazaki film, you'll get hooked.

I hooked up everybody in Sidney, including one guy who was blind.

I'm enjoying it, but I still don't know why I'm hooked on acting.

I read my first book on Woodrow Wilson at age 15, and I was hooked.

I've always been a foodie. My grandmother got me hooked on cooking.

It's called a pen. It's like a printer, hooked straight to my brain.

I'm hooked on 'Game of Thrones.' I'm a fan of the books and the show.

I was about 14, and I got hooked on the music of the Stanley Brothers.

My family and I are hooked on 'The Searchers.' I can't get enough of it.

Youngsters getting hooked to IPL is a dangerous sign for Indian cricket.

It is hard for a free fish to understand what is happening to a hooked one.

Book after book, I get hooked, every time the writer talks to me like a friend.

The way people get hooked on fame... it can behave very much like an addiction.

I'm a person that if I'm hooked with something then I know nothing besides that.

I love to box. I once took a kickboxing class in college and got totally hooked.

I have had to come to terms with the fact that I am hooked on Twitter. Not good.

I am a print addict. I have an ebook and a computer but I remain hooked on print.

Katie McGrath got me hooked on the 'Great British Bake Off.' It's ruining my life.

I love working at Marvel, but it was definitely DC that got me hooked as a reader.

I started racing myself and once you get bitten by that bug you really are hooked.

My buddy lost about 100 pounds cycling. He took me on a 31-mile loop. I was hooked.

If you're an app, how do you keep people hooked? Turn yourself into a slot machine.

No matter what a guy says, if he shows up at all the places you're at, he's hooked.

I went to Moses Malone's golf tournament in Houston, and I've been hooked ever since.

For some reason, I shied away from watching Telugu films but now I am hooked to them.

I not only read Raymond Chandler but read all the crime fiction classics. I was hooked.

I keep a fiddle hooked up in the music - we've got a music room - and try to pick it up.

I do listen to some music, but I don't technically have one band I'm absolutely hooked on.

I love the house we're in, but at the same time, I'm hooked on the romance of house-hunting.

Passion is all but soft, it's not tender, it's violence to which you get hooked by pleasure.

The first film I can remember seeing on TV was 'The Brides of Dracula.' I was instantly hooked.

Writing 'Father Ted' with Arthur Mathews was like being hooked up to a drip full of endorphins.

I love the French detective series 'Spiral.' It's quite brutal to watch, but I'm already hooked.

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