I think pregnancy is a huge responsibility.

It's a huge responsibility being a solo act.

Being a father is a huge responsibility but a satisfying one.

Obviously, having a wife and a daughter is a huge responsibility.

No, I'm not coaching. It's a huge responsibility to coach somebody.

Playing a real-life character is a challenge and a huge responsibility.

Being a parent is a huge responsibility. Your child becomes the centre of your world.

I see the work the pope has to do. It is a huge responsibility. Nobody campaigns for it.

I always feel this huge responsibility to the script when it arrives, keeping it confidential.

We have a huge responsibility to make sure that Europe remains a prosperous and peaceful continent.

I was in charge of the music in every team I played for, and that is a huge responsibility, believe me!

I think there is a huge responsibility upon governments to understand the consequence of their decisions.

Certainly driving a Ferrari is, at the same time, a dream come true, a huge responsibility and a great honor.

I love my people's history. I feel a huge responsibility to tell the stories of my past and my ancestors' past.

Having children is a huge responsibility, and I just don't want to hand them off to a nanny or my mom to take care of them.

The lead actor, along with the director, plays a big role in what the vibe will be on set, and that's a huge responsibility.

It's a huge responsibility to play at the back, there is no room for mistakes, so I must be constantly focused to give my best.

I can only work hard because it is a huge responsibility to wear all of these shirts, all of these clubs that I have played for.

I'm black, I don't feel burdened by it and I don't think it's a huge responsibility. It's part of who I am. It does not define me.

I have to finish 'Behen Hogi Terim' and then get right into that zone to seriously start preparing for it. It is a huge responsibility to play Netaji.

I know that it is a huge responsibility to be the captain, the No. 10, but I like it. I like the responsibility, the pressure, and I like playing football.

It's a huge challenge, a huge responsibility. Bond is a huge iconic figure in movie history. These opportunities don't come along very often so I thought, 'Why not?'

It's a huge responsibility writing about people who are alive. It's the thing about writing that keeps me awake at night: dramatising real-life events with real people.

It's hard recommending books for kids, and a huge responsibility. If you get it wrong, they don't tell you they hate that particular book, they tell you they hate reading.

If there's anything about someone's life that's important enough to make a movie about it, I have to take responsibility to get all of it right. It's a huge responsibility.

My films and roles have given me a special place in the hearts of people. I am aware that it is a huge responsibility and I am doing my best to live up to those expectations.

Once you have a small child who depends on you for every little thing, you're responsible for him. It's a huge responsibility. For me, it makes me into a more responsible person.

There is a huge responsibility on all of us to get England through. It would be one of the biggest disasters in sports history if we blew it and we must make sure it does not happen.

When you're the voice who represents our music and our family, it's an amazing, and a huge, responsibility. I am able to not only be an ambassador for my own family but for everyone.

'Through sickness and through health' sounds so simple on your wedding day, but in reality, they become significant words that are a huge responsibility and show true character to navigate.

Fashion has a huge responsibility - in what we show on the runway, what we do in editorial, who we dress - to make sure it represents differences. If we don't, we're giving in to the discrimination.

Mentorship is an incredibly huge responsibility. And you need to choose your mentors carefully, just like mentors choose their apprentices carefully. There has to be trust there, on a very deep level.

The OIC has a huge responsibility and a great opportunity to lift humanity to a higher level of peace and prosperity and to make this planet a better place, not just for your people but for rest of the world.

DMX wasn't checking what his fans were saying to him on Twitter or Facebook. Jay-Z is on a boat in Saint-Tropez. I'm hands-on. Girls write to me like I'm their diary. That's a huge responsibility. I don't take it for granted.

When you have a new baby, you can get really overwhelmed, since it's such a huge responsibility. You're thrilled to be a mom, but your sleep schedule is so thrown off and it can be scary if you don't have a good support system.

As a quarterback, you've got a huge responsibility: You're touching the ball every single play. You have such a big impact on deciding the game, just in your decision-making and how you are with the football and your fundamentals.

Raising three boys is a huge responsibility for me, especially in this day and time when I look around and there's a lack of good, strong, upstanding Christian men who are not afraid to be men and just own up to their responsibility.

When we first started 'The Big Bang Theory,' I would get incredibly nervous because it's such a big show and I was just out of graduate school. I'd come in and have this huge responsibility for the one line that everyone hopes will bring down the house.

There's the cool factor, right? You see your face on a sign or your name on something, like, 'Ahh! Here I am!' And then there's a huge responsibility and the scary part of it, which is like, 'Now what happens?' And then you realize, 'Oh, yeah, this is my job.'

The idea of making a film - a film that I had certainly never seen before - about the slave experience was a huge responsibility. It's a project that requires a wider understanding of the geopolitical nature of the slave trade, of historical and modern-day racism.

I think actors have a huge responsibility because of the vastness of their outreach. I am a big believer of the good that film, television, and theater can do, and I want to be a part of that. Throughout my career, I want to keep telling amazing stories and inspiring people.

I couldn't be happier about being a part of 'Hunger Games' and to play Katniss. I have a huge responsibility to the fans of this incredible book and I don't take it lightly. I will give everything I have to these movies and to this role to make it worthy of Suzanne Collins' masterpiece.

I've grown up with girls that are like Precious. I've grown up with people that are like everyone that I read about in that book. And so years later, when I was given the role, I just felt a huge responsibility to show the reality of that situation and to show that we're not making it up.

It was only when I started handling Treasury Operations that I realised all of a sudden just how much wealth we have. That is a huge responsibility, so I decided to get on with it and learn how to manage it, because I am a single child and have no siblings to share the responsibility with.

I may adopt. I love children and I do feel the need to take the legacy forward. I am open to it, but emotionally you have to be ready for it. Raising a child is really a huge responsibility. And I should have that time and emotional energy to give to child. How and when is a decision my mother and I will take a few years from now.

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