I identify as black.

I identify with Sad Girls.

I identify with the 99 per cent.

Poppy does not identify with an age.

I, myself, identify myself as a heathen.

A lot of Jewish kids do identify with us.

To identify the enemy is to free the mind.

You can't identify 100% with your character.

I could never identify with that word, 'weak.'

I identify, I guess, as a conservative Catholic.

I am a South Tyrolean. I identify with this land.

If there is a Swedish style, I cannot identify it.

Nobody is so weird others can't identify with them.

I identify... with the ideas that Malcolm X stood for.

I identify in some measure with each of my characters.

I identify myself as a hustler since I was a young kid.

The best approach to risk is to identify and manage it.

It's fun to play a character that you can identify with.

It's weird to try and identify a nationality for a film.

I'll instinctively know that I identify with a character.

I identify as a woman first, but I am also proudly trans.

I identify as a Georgian who wants to do right by Georgia.

People here don't identify themselves by their sports team.

I definitely identify as a nerd - love being in a classroom.

I can really identify with the content that I read in comics.

People don't necessarily identify me with doing adult things.

I identify with the regular person, because that is who I am.

I don't really identify as gay; I don't really know what I am.

Today we try to identify a gene and then study its properties.

The Louvre is a morgue; you go there to identify your friends.

Hollywood likes to label everyone so you're easier to identify.

It's dangerous to get too far from what they identify you with.

People always want to identify a writer with their protagonist.

I like guys, but I also identify as a guy - if that makes sense.

I think people throughout the world identify with my characters.

I identify myself as a explorer, do new things, surprise myself.

I prefer to be able to identify what I'm eating. I have to know.

I also identify as a Latin person, a person who has Latin blood.

I'm proud to be Canadian. But I identify as being a British mum.

I was assigned female at birth. My gender identify is non-binary.

I do films for the common man and identify myself one among them.

The white man, in his press, is going to identify me with 'hate.'

I don't identify with her, but I highly admire Eleanor Roosevelt.

I think people identify with Columbo because he is an average man.

I was the first advertising person who people could identify with.

I come from a place where I find it hard to identify with a label.

You have to identify your shot and be 'Push your luck' ready for it.

First, I identify an analogous problem in nature and borrow from it.

It's not always easy to identify your own voice. It comes with time.

I identify entirely with Jane Austen's point of view, on everything.

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