Imagery is like music.

I know how important imagery is.

I like visual imagery in my head.

Words are tools of imagery in motion.

I like surfers. Their imagery, it's great.

My focus was always toward imagery of some sort.

How many people could embrace such disturbing imagery?

I love photography. I love the imagery. I love what I do.

The vocabulary of pleasure depends on the imagery of pain.

I'm pretty strict with videos, at least the imagery stuff.

I like both antireligious and traditional Catholic imagery.

I do feel that it's very important to see positive imagery.

Our society's dependence on imagery says a lot about our values.

Images are the heart of poetry ... You're not a poet without imagery.

I find short, fast romances romantic. There's a beauty to dark imagery.

I think I make better use of language and imagery than when I started out.

I think I had struck on a combination of imagery and politics that worked.

Satellite imagery is the only way we can map the looting patterns effectively.

The cinematographer's basically translating the director's vision into imagery.

I expect of abstraction as much as what imagery does for me... to carry meaning.

When you're trying to create imagery, you're trying to create a feeling or a mood.

I like to create provocative imagery. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it goes awry.

I'm perplexed, though, by your application of the term 'negative' to my figural imagery.

To know how scientists engage in visual imagery is to understand how they think creatively.

The really great gallerists have always been interested in imagery that is not that imagery.

Poetry carries the imagery which is large enough for the kind of life we want for ourselves.

Lampooning racism by reproducing brazenly racist imagery is a pretty dubious satirical tactic.

I think the British audience might be more open-minded with some of my imagery and weird choices.

I begin a book with imagery, more than I do with an idea or a character. Some kind of poetic image.

You cannot base a whole movie on just the imagery alone. It has to be the story and the characters.

Place is extremely important to my work because I am always pulling landscape imagery into my poems.

I've always wanted to make a music video with skating and different imagery, something very artistic.

What I like doing is imagery that can be interpreted in any particular way by the person who wears it.

I think a fragrance is all about sensations and imagery, and can evoke visions, feelings and thoughts.

Being an artist, you soak up imagery, and you put it back out in whatever form you do your own imagery.

When I make my socially conscious songs, I go hard with the lyrical content; I go hard with the imagery.

I liked the name Frog Brigade because it lent itself to a lot of cool imagery with the whole frog thing.

Africa should not again face isolation or stigmatisation based on ignorance and unrepresentative imagery.

I'm an agnostic trending toward atheist and resist, in particular, Christian interpretations and imagery.

When working on a period, it is the finer details that evoke imagery that helps in cinematic adaptations.

Use photos and videos often. The best startups post lots of imagery and videos. The worst ones? Text only.

We're living in this world where we have so much media all the time. We have access to imagery all the time.

What's so important with fashion imagery and with imagery in general is that it ultimately evokes an emotion.

When you read a novel, your own imagery is the most important. It's what makes reading such a wonderful thing.

All my artistic response comes from American things, and I guess I've always had a weakness for heroic imagery.

I come from an era where lyrics were full of imagery and metaphor, and that's all I know. I think people miss that.

The use of mental imagery is one of the strongest and most effective strategies for making something happen for you.

Growing up, I loved the imagery I saw from America as it celebrated being the land of the free and home of the brave.

Web media needs to move to TV metaphor - with full-screen imagery and other content interrupted with full-screen ads.

I know 'Napalm' seems like a military-themed album, but what it is, is just the backdrop and the imagery that we used.

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