See yourself in the practice you are not able to access right now. Imagine yourself in it.

Those who imagine that the world is against them have generally conspired to make it true.

He used both hands when he made the bear. Imagine a bear proceeding from the hands of God.

For me, it's difficult to even walk around in cotton sarees; imagine doing scenes in them!

My faith experience, well, as you can imagine, you need a lot of faith to raise five boys.

They who imagine truth in untruth and see untruth in truth will never arrive at the truth.

Imagine how free we would feel and what we could accomplish if we could live without fear.

It's very humbling to imagine somebody else's really life and their pain ... It's my drug.

We may not imagine how our lives could be more frustrating and complex - but Congress can.

I walk beneath your pens, and am not what I truly am, but what you'd prefer to imagine me.

It drives me nuts how I rely on my wife for everything. I can't imagine a day without her!

Just by being ourselves we are borne toward a destiny far beyond anything we could imagine.

Music was sort of an accident for me. I love to do it. I can't imagine doing anything else.

The function of art is to do more than tell it like it is-it’s to imagine what is possible.

It's hard to imagine there's a place for great writing inside a multinational conglomerate.

We could imagine all sorts of universes unlike this one, but this is the one that happened.

You've got to pursue your dreams and it will get you to places that you can't even imagine.

I can't imagine my life without my kids. Raising them has been the greatest joy in my life.

I imagine there are things I wouldn't do, but I haven't been offered those recently either.

To verify images kills them, and it is always more enriching to imagine than to experience.

I grew up in a house that had a whole lot of trouble. As much trouble as you could imagine.

I couldn't imagine doing a show where I'd once again have to answer to corporate interests.

I used to lie in bed in my flat and imagine what would happen if there was a zombie attack.

What we wish, we readily believe, and what we ourselves think, we imagine others think also.

I'm certain prison is pretty rough as it is but imagine if you were a murderer and a foodie!

I don't know how to defend myself: surprised innocence cannot imagine being under suspicion.

Imagine no limitations; decide what's right and desirable before you decide what's possible.

I can imagine few worse fates than walking around for the rest of one's life wearing a typo.

You know what the worst thing I can imagine is? Simon had said. Not trusting someone I love.

Bullies generally were bullied and are hurting inside much more than you could ever imagine.

Imagine your ideal future. Visualize yourself as if your life were perfect in every respect.

I would imagine that if you could understand Morse code, a tap dancer would drive you crazy.

Never before has the gap between what we can imagine and what we can accomplish been smaller.

It's one of those records that will stand forever. I really can't imagine anyone touching it.

My refrigerator is full of kale and greens. I can't imagine something greasy, or eating meat.

I would imagine that not having any potential could be less difficult than not fulfilling it.

Imagine that anything is possible, and name the most amazing thing that could happen in 2013.

Don't you ever imagine things differently than what they are? Oh, Marilla, how much you miss.

You do projects with the hope they will be big and hope they will go beyond what you imagine.

The Internet shapes my life and work so completely that I couldn't imagine living without it.

I can't imagine any one more delightful to sit and talk with about movies on a regular basis.

I couldn't imagine, you know, God having a plan for my life. I thought I planned my life out.

Football is my life, and I cannot imagine myself doing anything other than playing this game.

I believe novels can have secrets from their author, a notion I imagine would appall Nabokov.

I never thought of stopping, and I just hated sleeping. I can't imagine having a better life.

Things change…things happen…things you can’t even imagine when you’re young and full of hope.

If it is hard to imagine that 20% of losses on the stock market, you should never participate

I don't really see science fiction as fiction. I can imagine colonies on Mars and everything.

I can't imagine anything more worthwhile than doing what I most love. And they pay me for it.

My life, between 22 yards for 24 years... It's hard to imagine that this is coming to an end.

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