I can't imagine working without an audience.

I like to imagine the "what ifs" of history.

Let no man imagine that he has no influence.

Imagine what you will be, and it will be so.

I imagine that yes is the only living thing.

Imagine no possessions; I wonder if you can.

I write because I can't imagine not writing.

It's so nice to have sane friends. I imagine.

I can't imagine working without and audience.

I can't imagine love without a sexual charge.

In literature, you know only what you imagine

Imagine a plague you catch through your ears.

Anything a man can imagine, another can create

Imagine that Christianity is about loving God.

A wealth you cannot imagine flows through you.

What you can imagine depends on what you know.

The more you know, the better you can imagine.

That's my job. To imagine harder than you can.

Youth cannot imagine romance apart from youth.

Nature is the worst terrorist you can imagine.

Can you imagine Grandmaster Flash on a laptop?

I cant really imagine life without Formula One.

I can't imagine myself blowing up supermarkets!

... you simply can't imagine what men will say!

I love my son more than any of you can imagine.

I kind of imagine myself at eighty, a cat lady.

I'm probably a little shyer than people imagine.

I was always much too elated to imagine despair.

I can't even imagine being Matt and Ross Duffer.

Nothing in life is ever as simple as we imagine.

Imagine, for a moment, that you are the universe.

Imagine there's no varmints. It isn't hard to do.

God is much greater than anything we can imagine.

The truth is always simpler than you can imagine.

Imagine the potential of an emerging global brain.

You can't really imagine music without technology.

Can you imagine a silence so desperate to be heard?

Imagine? Yeah I can imagine John Lennon being dead.

We're all unique, just never in the ways we imagine.

I couldn't imagine living my life with another name.

Good can imagine Evil; but Evil cannot imagine Good.

It's impossible to imagine our planet without coral.

I can imagine anything except having no imagination.

The real is always way ahead of what we can imagine.

I can't imagine God not allowing my dog into heaven.

Because nothing is as perfect as you can imagine it.

Just imagine that you are the person you want to be.

Conceal a flaw, and the world will imagine the worst.

The greatest mistake is to imagine that we never err.

How beautiful can life be? We hardly dare imagine it.

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