In our globalized world, what happens in one nation has a very real impact on everybody else.

When one person's livelihood changes, it can impact an entire family, then a whole community.

Nanotechnology in medicine is going to have a major impact on the survival of the human race.

Tame Impala is more about impact than innovation, sure, but the music still stuns on contact.

If I can have any impact, I want women to feel good about themselves and have fun with fashion

[Occupy Wall Street] had an impact on consciousness. It was not effective in realizing change.

It feels like an amazing opportunity to positively impact the world. That's what I hope to do.

My path to victory is to talk about the issues that impact the lives of millions of Americans.

Creative leadership impact increases in your 50's. When I turn 50 I want to say, "Nice start!"

I would say that, intellectually, Catholicism had no more impact on me than did social theory.

If a movement is to have an impact it must belong to those who join it, not those who lead it.

Reining in the regulatory state would have a massive impact on economic freedom going forward.

I knew that when the trailer of 'Bahubali' released, it would have a great impact, and it did.

Believe that if you make courageous choices, and bet on yourself, then you will have an impact.

There is still time to avoid the worst impacts of climate change, if we take strong action now.

A coach will impact more people in one year than the average person will in an entire lifetime.

I want to have a cultural impact. I want to be an inspiration, to show people what can be done.

Whether I'm making my own record, or playing a guitar part, I want what I do to have an impact.

I want to have a cultural impact. I want to be an inspiration, to show people what can be done.

I think people tend to be very myopic and they dont understand how their actions impact others.

Our daily decisions and habits have a huge impact upon both our levels of happiness and success.

If my peers had a significant impact on my music, my music would probably be a lot more popular.

I think people tend to be very myopic and they don't understand how their actions impact others.

My eyebrows make a more profound impact on other people than they do on me. I just let 'em grow.

Our music will continue to have an impact in people's lives long after we finally call it quits.

Now The Beatles are four separate people, we don't have the impact we had when we were together.

I have a goofy side that impacts my clothing a lot. To that end, I love witty, colorful, prints.

It was while starting my business that I saw my first glimpse of government's impact on business.

I love to use technology to help people have better lives and to reduce our impact on the planet.

The decisions we make in Washington have a direct impact on the people in our country, obviously.

Anything that's really made an impact on my life, I want to get in the studio and write about it.

I just want to reach a point where I have an opportunity to impact the entire world with one song.

The impact of climate change is a tremendous risk to the security and well-being of our countries.

The foolishness of the cross is the wisdom of God and the wisdom of God is powerful in its impact.

The art of making a film and its content are far more interesting to me than the result or impact.

I don't like to do small things. If I'm going to do something, I'm going to really make an impact.

Contentment comes when you find the people, places, and events in life you were created to impact.

There's nothing better than just staring at a buttercup, struggling to make an impact on the world.

Heart of America is a movie I'm very proud of. The young actors are great and the story has impact.

Want to impress others? Talk about your successes. Want to impact others? Talk about your failures.

Being a good writer may result in your being nicer to more people, having a bigger positive impact.

We're not very good at forecasting, and we don't know how to measure the impact of economic policy.

I hate superficial violence. It's shallow and stupid, and the impact on the audience is really bad.

The safety-obsessed church lacks the inner dynamic to foster profound missional impact in our time.

A time will come when you're going to be numerous but your impact in the world will be like nothing

A random act of kindness, no matter how small, can make a tremendous impact on someone else's life.

Design can have such a positive impact on the way people live and on their relationships and moods.

Caring about others, running the risk of feeling, and leaving an impact on people, brings happiness.

Art that has depth makes a strong impact on the spirit, emotion, mood and thoughts of a human being.

My eyebrows make a more profound impact on [other] people than they do on me... I just let 'em grow.

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