We see natural gas as an important part of the electricity generation mix for many decades to come.

Jingle taps on the majorette boots were an important part of a little girl growing up in the South.

A very important part of game development is testing - something that a lot of developers don't do.

Our family was the most important part of Charlie's life. He loved us very much, and we adored him.

I don't think writing open-ended lyrics is necessarily an important part of writing good pop songs.

The principles we live by, in business and in social life, are the most important part of happiness.

Movies play a very important part in my life and I think the most number of films are made in India.

My own sense of family, where I came from and what I made for myself is an important part of my life.

Drive and desire was something I was raised with. It became a very important part of how I've become.

My hair is an important part of who I am and if my hair is healthy and looks great, I feel confident.

Over the centuries, close-knit tribes have played an important part in the cohesion of Libyan society.

We used to listen to all the marvelous operas on records. Music was a very important part of our lives.

I'm so excited to be working on 'Doctor Who,' as it's such a big and important part of British culture.

I don't score many goals or do much dribbling, but I still feel very much an important part of the team.

When I did finally live in the Dandenongs, the mountain ash forests became an important part of my life.

My No. 1 priority is growth in the economy. Tax reform will be our first and most important part of that.

America changed my life, but I still think of home and working in Scotland was an important part of that.

The most important part of this is to prepare the athlete for life in general and then be able to compete.

I keep saying this, but the most important part of directing is casting, and the rest of it is pretty easy.

It is an important part of the role of a centre-back to focus on building up the game and initiating moves.

It's not easy, but I truly that think being a good listener is an important part of being a good journalist.

That is an important part of my success. Another big part of my success is that I hated not to finish a race.

The important part of the present development is the anti-capitalist sentiment that is permeating our people.

We don't really have any big family traditions; just spending time with each other is the most important part.

Sport is an important part of the development of kids, and hence, it should be made a part of their curriculum.

Being confident is a really important part of being a footballer. I know my own ability and what I can achieve.

Drag racing has played a big role in In-N-Out's history, and it is also an important part of my family history.

For years, I have been a strong supporter of clean, safe nuclear energy as an important part of our energy mix.

As you think about the workforce of the future, women and minorities are such an important part of that future.

I think it's a big mistake for our party to write off Latino Americans. They're an important part of our country.

I spent an important part of my life participating in conflicts. But for me, conflict was not the main principle.

Immigration and openness to refugees is an important part of our country's success and, quite honestly, to Uber's.

I don't think the important part of making music is the method used but rather the spirit put into it, so to speak.

We're so interdependent, and what one country does is such an important part of what happens in the global economy.

Tone is often the most important part of a conversation - and listening is so much more important than what you say.

On mobile, knowing where your friends are at any time is actually a pretty important part of your mobile experience.

The mind is the most important part of achieving any fitness goal. Mental change always comes before physical change.

I believe that marriage is an important part of life. So when it happens, I will definitely let the whole world know.

Problem-solving becomes a very important part of our makeup as we grow into maturity or move up the corporate ladder.

I hug employees all the time. I'm a huge contact person. Touch is an extremely important part of the human condition.

The most important part of life is work, it's the flow, it's getting stuff done, feeling like you're doing something.

I go to the Catholic Church. God is an important part of my life. If he was not, I don't think I could have survived.

Being tiny has been difficult for me in a business that regarded physicality as the most important part of your life.

Because of my dad, I started playing the game. Seeing him motivated me to play. He's been an important part of my life.

There is such a thing as my kind of actor, and how well they pull off my dialogue is a very, very important part of it.

Natural gas is an important part of delivering energy, whether you're producing power or other solutions for customers.

I think the skin is the most important part of a strong makeup look, and if you take care of that, the rest will follow.

Protecting the rights of service members was an important part of my work as Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights.

If you can make the song a soundtrack to what you're living at the time, I think that's the most important part of a song.

That's the most important part of all the music I produce: making sure the artist is bringing themselves out in the music.

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