You always look to impress.

I undress to impress - Patch

I don't need to impress children.

My only goal is to impress my fans.

I like to impress myself when I dress.

The same facts impress us differently.

Novelties please less than they impress.

The Internet never ceases to impress me.

I wouldn't impress my opinions on anyone.

I don't want to impress, I want to inspire.

Wear what feels nice to you, not to impress.

Women never cease to impress and inspire me.

Power always impresses the young and foolish.

Today, writers want to impress other writers.

That impresses me more, inventin' electricity.

It's not a performance to impress the Puritans

I've never tried to impress anybody in my life.

Don't try to impress people. Always be yourself!

I don't have to put up a front to impress anyone.

I think humor is the best thing to impress a girl.

A short skirt and lots of makeup won't impress me.

I am trying to impress myself. I have yet to do it.

I don't dress to impress; I've never been that person.

The fool shouts loudly, thinking to impress the world.

In high school, I always dressed to impress the girls.

I don't preach or try to impress my views upon people.

Whenever a new manager comes in you want to impress him.

You are not free until you have no need to impress anybody.

Wait long enough, and people will surprise and impress you.

I have never tried to impress anyone, including my parents.

I dress myself, not to impress, but for comfort and for style.

You need to ensure you are ready and impress when called upon.

If you can't impress yourself, then no one else really matters.

The goal of this presentation is to impress, rather than inform.

I hope each week I grow and impress you guys and make you happy.

The best way to impress a woman is to be the most honest you can.

It always impresses me when a person of small stature has command.

We like people who come to our gigs to dress sharp and to impress.

It is really hard for me to impress myself with the work that I do.

The times you impress me the most are the times when you don't try.

Present to inform, not to impress. If you inform, you will impress.

It's not very easy to impress No I.D., you really have to work hard.

Nothing impresses me any more, save and except my own deep meditations.

Having a kid now, I impress on him all the time how dangerous drugs are.

The big thing for me is no longer is trying to impress people around me.

Trying to impress my mother with words was one of my favourite pursuits.

I don't do anything to impress anyone, quite successfully I can tell you.

Don't thank me,' Mr. Curtain called as the door slid closed. 'Impress me!

I just wanted to impress the guys in the neighborhood that I grew up with.

Those who constantly try to impress others will quickly depress themselves.

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