No one wins in the industrial food system.

You wanna get diarrhoea? Eat industrial food.

I'm not a part of the political industrial complex.

The U.S. is becoming an industrial heartland again.

We're living through the second Industrial Revolution.

I wish I had gone into industrial plumbing. That's a joke.

I find industrial cities exciting. I like their toughness.

Politics is the reflex of the business and industrial world.

Cities perform most functions in a very Industrial Age model.

Being married to Ant, he's a little more industrial than I am.

Every industrial revolution brings along a learning revolution.

Nobody trusts the industrial food system to give them good food.

Natural gas is a feedstock in basically every industrial process.

Basically, theater or film is a dangerous industrial environment.

I made my money in Iscar. I spend my money on the industrial parks.

The real conflict, if any exists, is between two industrial systems.

I was in an industrial laboratory because academia found me unsuitable.

Conserving habitats is a wellspring for the next industrial revolution.

Michigan is also the only industrial state that has a AAA credit rating.

There are professions more harmful than industrial design, but only a few.

The great menace to the life of an industry is industrial self-complacency.

I think that there is absolutely no free market in modern industrial states.

Sadly, many people in our biggest cities are at the mercy of industrial food.

If England became a world power, it was because of the industrial revolution.

In consequence, science is more important than ever for industrial technology.

Industrial hemp is a safe substance with many practical commercial applications.

Technology giants have taken advantage of tax codes written for an industrial age.

We can produce more per acre on a fifth of the fuel as the industrial food system.

Manufacturers account for nearly 60 percent of all industrial research and development.

It was also my experience at Hull-House that aroused my interest in industrial diseases.

Everybody has called Pop Art 'American' painting, but it's actually industrial painting.

Adam Smith's huge failure was the fact that he did not foresee the industrial revolution.

Most of my technical knowledge comes from having worked in the industrial video industry.

The social and industrial structure of America is founded upon an enlightened citizenship.

I majored in industrial design/painting, but haven't had time to exercise that creativity.

I used to wonder if running a large industrial company would really square with my values.

Fourth industrial revolution is a deadly combination of technology and Internet of Things.

Detroit's industrial ruins are picturesque, like crumbling Rome in an 18th-century etching.

Latecomers to industrial development have had to catch up by finding ways of closing the gap.

I believe that we must attach greater importance to the issue of industrial policy in Europe.

For our part, Africa will make a significant contribution to the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Jobs are changing. Jobs will be about the blending of the digital and industrial capabilities.

During the past two decades, inflation has fallen to a low level in major industrial countries.

Animal welfare must be a priority, and we need to switch to less industrial production methods.

'Cost-saver' in industrial livestock agriculture may usually be taken to mean 'moral shortcut.'

We have some material on spying by a major government on the tech industry. Industrial espionage.

Out of the agony and travail of economic America the Committee for Industrial Organization was born.

We need no elaborate statistical proof that trade depends on prosperity in the industrial countries.

If our era is the next Industrial Revolution, as many claim, AI is surely one of its driving forces.

It's the Industrial Revolution and the growth of urban concentrations that led to a sense of anonymity.

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