How immense the high sky is!

Infinity: Time on an ego trip.

[L]ove is inventive to infinity.

But how can finite grasp Infinity?

Death is just infinity closing in.

A library is infinity under a roof.

There can be no centre in infinity.

A fractal is a way of seeing infinity.

One source of the sublime is infinity.

Poetry...the deepest abyss of infinity.

Finite mind cannot comprehend infinity.

Infinity is just zero spelled backwards.

The present is elastic to embrace infinity.

There are two infinities: God and stupidity.

The thirst for the Infinite proves infinity.

Through all the windows I only see infinity.

I saw 'Infinity War' in theaters four times.

Dumping you times infinity. Still not enough.

And in that moment, I swear we were infinite.

In you, I found infinity. In you, I was reborn

God has thickly strewn infinity with grandeur.

I've seen a lot more go to zero than infinity.

For every fact there is an infinity of hypotheses.

log log log x goes to infinity with great dignity.

God is the shortest distance from zero to infinity.

Maybe being winged means being wounded by infinity.

What I look for in musicians is a sense of infinity

Infinity converts the possible into the inevitable.

What I look for in musicians is a sense of infinity.

Infinity is a dark illimitable ocean, without bound.

Set your affection to infinity and your hate to zero!

A Breath of love can take you all the way to infinity

An object, after all, is what makes infinity private.

God is the tangential point between zero and infinity.

There is no more steely barb than that of the Infinite.

Infinity? It attracts us like a floodlight in the night.

What does culture want? To make infinity comprehensible.

The final end of Eternity, and the beginning of Infinity

The interior of our skulls contains a portal to infinity.

Yes, if you're looking for infinity, just close your eyes!

I cannot help it - in spite of myself, infinity torments me.

I'm not going into infinity. I'm going into low earth orbit.

Infinity is a fathomless gulf, into which all things vanish.

I screamed, and--lo!--Infinity Came down and settled over me

How much does the universe weigh, when it fasts for infinity?

Meditation is silence. Silence is God In His Infinity's Smile.

The more you approach infinity, the deeper you penetrate terror

What is beyond the mind, has no boundary, In it our senses end.

Debauchery is perhaps an act of despair in the face of infinity.

Infinity is the end. End without infinity is but a new beginning.

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