I don't like inherited wealth.

At Knopf, everything is inherited.

Yes, I've never inherited a penny!

All my children inherited perfect pitch.

I inherited my dad's sense of humor and work ethic.

My ancestors were fighters, something I have inherited.

French citizenship should be either inherited or merited.

Inherited wealth, that is not what America is based upon.

I inherited my love of gold jewellery from my grandmother.

I inherited depression from my mother's side of the family.

My mom is a big scaredy cat, and I inherited that from her.

For many years my inherited arthritis had given me problems.

Heaven will be inherited by every man who has heaven in his soul.

My dad was a big grinder, a tough guy. I inherited that from him.

I may not have inherited wealth, but I have some inherited humility.

I have inherited my father's thick skin, which helps me deal with trolls.

I do have an occasional temper - I sort of inherited my dad's short fuse.

We are women. We are a subject people who have inherited an alien culture.

Who's, like, inherited a lot of money that has gone on to do things in our lives?

I guess I'm dedicated to breaking every inherited mould I can in my private life.

I haven't inherited the earth from my parents, I am borrowing it from my children.

My mom has beautiful eyes, and I inherited a lot of her rituals, accentuating eyes.

I inherited good skin from my mother, and I stay away from soap, which dries it out.

I've inherited so much culture, beauty, and love, and I'm the perfect mix of Philomena.

I inherited my father's insatiable desire to meet all the beautiful girls in the world.

I have inherited nothing. Everything Ann and I have we have earned the old-fashioned way.

I made my money the old-fashioned way; I inherited it. I think that's a great thing to do.

I often say that I inherited the family's recessive gene for adult-onset political activism.

It's our responsibility to pass on what we inherited, not to squander it, but to build on it.

We all grow up with inherited genes and inherited sensibilities, and they run very, very deep.

I come from a line of women who can bake, so I think I've inherited a bit of family knowledge.

I inherited the old family turkey farm, and I'm turning it into a fun place to go for my kids.

The monarchy that I hand over to my son is not going to be the same one that I have inherited.

Barack Obama inherited a bankrupt economy, a bankrupt government, and a bankrupt foreign policy.

I mean, I inherited the disease of alcoholism, and I learned early to get help when I needed it.

My father was the funniest guy I ever met. I'm not sure if I stole his stuff or if I inherited it.

I like to fish. I collect pocketknives. I inherited a nice collection from my father and grandfather.

As a Coalition Government, we inherited a legacy of lack of trust and confidence in political system.

My father had a good sense of humour about a lot of things, including life, which I think I inherited.

I'm attached to my land in Pantelleria as if I'd inherited it. Acting is my job, Pantelleria is my home.

I think we have very steady records of President Putin, who inherited the country with democratic values.

The last thing I wanted in life was to be measured by what I had inherited, as opposed to what I had done.

Gene editing will be used to alter DNA to erase the origins of a range of debilitating inherited disorders.

Long before genetics became a flourishing field, Christians have spoken about sin as an inherited condition.

The mainstream sort of presentation of the civil rights movement was not something that I directly inherited.

Aptitude found in the understanding and is often inherited. Genius coming from reason and imagination, rarely.

Some people in my family achieved a lot, some people inherited a lot. But I turned my back on the whole thing.

A lot of my fighting qualities I inherited from my parents. They set tremendous examples right through my life.

I grew up in the Boston suburbs and inherited a stubborn New England refusal to acknowledge frigid temperatures.

My mother reveres artists, and my sister and I have inherited her love of art and the stories about its creation.

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