People fail forward to success.

I find my inspiration in myself.

The road to the heart is the ear

I exist as I am, that is enough.

My television is the tabernacle.

By letting go, it all gets done.

Smile. It is sunshine to others.

Do not find peace. Find passion.

The need itself is not the call.

He also knows the power of word.

We are all alike, on the inside.

Spend some time alone every day.

See the Face of God in everyone.

You have good days and bad days.

He is now walking from his dream.

I find inspiration in everything.

Only cowards hide behind silence.

Prayer is the oxygen of the soul.

He needs both patience and speed.

Bob Seger was a huge inspiration.

Chance favors the connected mind.

Inspiration is cross-pollinating.

Women and elephants never forget.

Out of routine comes inspiration.

Never say more than is necessary.

By turns the nine delight to sing

Happiness, at my age, is breathing

But what makes wage slaves? Wages!

Body and soul need new challenges.

Inspiration is what keeps us well.

If I can make it, you can make it.

A rich man's joke is always funny.

My greatest inspiration is memory.

Did you tell freedom hello for me?

A zebra does not change its spots.

You can only learn when you teach.

Love is a kind of military service

How precious are the souls of men!

Live, love, laugh, leave a legacy.

My inspiration is love and history.

Music really is our daily medicine.

Literature is news that stays news.

To be great is to be misunderstood.

Neither a borrower nor a lender be.

No Englishman is ever fairly beaten

What the wise seek is in themselves

Travel is the ultimate inspiration.

There is inspiration all around us.

I'm always looking for inspiration.

The Super Bowl is a realistic goal.

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