Latin is an international language.

Image is an international language.

I was an international studies major.

The UK is a very international country.

We're kind of an international phenomenon.

But I think we need the international market.

The World Cup is a truly international event.

Fashion is a completely international business.

Italians cannot vote on international treaties.

I think I'm a focus for international attention.

.. international hand of freindship. A cigarette

Belgium's not a hotpot of international football

I haven't done an international film for a long time.

The international game has changed for bidding cities.

The international manager reconciles cultural dilemmas

The financing of my films has always been international.

We had to leave Australia to become international stars.

Food is an international language, an expression of love.

Instrumental music can spread the international language.

Trump is a national disgrace and an international pariah.

We all grow up dreaming of playing international cricket.

Now, more than ever, the international community must act.

Cinema has become a global economy, totally international.

The IMF acts on the mandate of the international community.

I've had great experience dealing on an international basis.

Sport is an international phenomenon, like science or music.

Israel does not care about the international public opinion.

I'm a member of the Pacific Council on International Policy.

International cooperation, multilateralism is indispensable.

Prince Harry is like the biggest international star there is.

I want to take a more international direction with my career.

There is no such thing as gratitude in international politics.

The only remaining superpower is international public opinion.

I always get nervous when I'm performing at international shows.

You don't need to spoon-feed bowlers at the international level.

International football is one clog further up the football ladder

I have set out to change the language of the international system.

The matter of international relations is very subtle and exquisite.

Video just accesses international information so much more readily.

The International Space Station is a great place to live for a year.

I lived abroad most of my life in insular international communities.

I believe an international criminal court is very much to be desired.

Pre-emptive war might fall within the framework of international law.

It's very important for Taiwan to maintain its international contact.

There should be an international lunar base. That is certainly doable.

Petroleum is a more likely cause of international conflict than wheat.

We're from Rockford, Illinois, but we've always thought international.

And literature frequently rises to heights that make it international.

First truck called a 'pick-up' was an International Harvester S in 1921.

Early on, New York already had a national and even international identity.

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