My sound is inventive.

Kurosawa was truly inventive.

A loving heart is an inventive one.

When people are thinking, we are quite inventive animals.

It's extraordinary how inventive one can be with ethanol right now.

I like inventive melodies and chord changes, a little bit of creativity.

I enjoy the inventive ways in which language is manipulated to make meaning.

I think the Huffington Post has been inventive and presents what it aggregates well.

Kids love the 'Mario Brothers' games, which are whimsical, inventive and lots of fun.

For Stripe, being inventive is just about applying the right solutions from other areas.

Nothing makes an actor feel freer and more inventive and more creative than being trusted.

America is the most inventive country in the world because everybody has access to information.

Any teacher in the arts and sciences has to maintain a sense of childlikeness to be truly inventive.

At an independent label, you have to figure out inventive ways to promote without spending the money.

Sometimes I think I'm a one-trick pony because I'm not very inventive about new ways of telling stories.

Great music - say jazz - has that inventive, improvisational quality that tells us something about life.

To me, very much of what is artistic is people's very creative and inventive ways out of impossible situations.

I adored 'Drop the Dead Donkey.' That show defined Channel 4 at the time; it was so inventive and off the leash.

Food culture is like listening to the Beatles - it's international, it's very positive, it's inventive and creative.

I was not naturally talented. I didn't sing, dance or act, though working around that minor detail made me inventive.

We were very kooky and inventive, and it didn't take long for my parents to realize we should all be auditioning for things.

The real opportunity is to harness the inventive power of the world to locally design and produce solutions to local problems.

Earth is a stunningly lovely planet for so many reasons. Among these is the wondrous presence of curious, artful, inventive humanity.

The food in Sydney is an Asian Pacific cuisine. It's eclectic but above all it's fresh, inventive and creative and that's what I love about it.

To escape the curse of commoditization, a company has to be a game-changer, and that requires employees who are proactive, inventive and zealous.

My mother wrote poetry when I was young - I have an early memory of the sound of her typewriter - and my father told me inventive bedtime stories.

I feel like the luckiest person alive. I spend my life doing the stuff I love. I'm surrounded by inventive people who are full of energy and life.

For me, I'd rather be the inventive one, and if something doesn't work, I'll go back to the workshop, put it on the bench, and pound on it for awhile.

I find that I like what I like. I like a strong melody, I like an inventive structure and I have to like the singer's voice or I have no interest in it.

It does seem to produce more creative results when there are limitations. It's like in wartime with rations - people became more inventive with cooking.

For me, drawing is a way of navigating the imagination, and it remains the fundamental vehicle of my practice. Drawing allows me to be at my most inventive.

I asked for a piano in the TARDIS, but it hasn't happened. I'd love to see the Doctor rock up and play, but it'd have to be done in an inventive and silly way.

'The Black Prism' is a story of emperors and prisoners and magic set in a Mediterranean, 1600-esque world. It's a fantasy story; it's fast and fun and inventive.

I love Richard Thaler's 'Quasi Rational Economics.' A collection of some of his most interesting and inventive essays, the real foundation of behavioral economics.

I find Spike Jones' movies to be really very inventive and funny, but they're really sad and touching and really key into the different facets of the human experience.

The search for inventive ways of telling the tale of Christ's birth has been going on a long time; in a way, difference was there from the start with Luke and Matthew.

Art is based on very clear, mathematical principles like proportion and harmony. At the same time, physicists need to be inventive, to have ideas, to have some fantasy.

There are all sorts of inventive ways to get your film out there: sometimes via the Internet, sometimes via viral screenings in people's living rooms across the country.

A great solo does not make a great piece. Rather, a great solo in a great song - that's what makes a 10 out of 10. It's the combination of emotional feel and inventive ideas.

I admired shows like 'Six Feet Under.' That was an amazing show. Never boring, always inventive, smart. Loved the characters. Completely original. Those are shows that I admire.

Wayne Coyne has put out Flaming Lips records in gummy bear skulls and all these different kinds of packaging that's really, really inventive. And that's what you should always do.

I once said that CGI makes you less inventive. At the time I was bemoaning the loss of the practical stunt. If a stunt can be done practically and safely, I'd rather do it old-style.

A lot of people have a lot of faith in Karole Armitage. They see her as bold, inventive, indefatigable. 'America isn't working out? There's always Europe. Ballet? No? Go modern. Keep going! Show 'em!'

I love inventive food, but I want the classic dishes to taste like how I remember them. I get a little bummed out when there is too much fancy stuff going on and it doesn't resemble the original dish at all.

The middle class is doing fine in fiction. But it's not what gets me going. I love the working class, and everyone from it I've met, and think they're incredibly witty, inventive - there's a lot of poetry there.

Real novelists, those we admire, those we consider timeless in their language and character and scene, those who receive accolades for inventive language and form, have writing lives we imagine in specific ways.

'American Music' is an inventive, passionate, pithy novel whose major theme is love itself and whose minor theme, music, is an emotional, meaningful counterpoint. Like Count Basie and His Orchestra, this book swings.

Africa's informal economy is one of the most innovative and inventive environments in the world. Yet it is an environment with little regulation in which workers are often exposed to hard conditions and live without a safety net.

Henry Miller is a famous writer whose work has fallen out of fashion, but I strongly recommend that readers who don't know his work pick up a book and experience this writer's zealous, crazy, inventive, funny, sexy, often delirious prose.

'Empty Moves' is elegantly and coolly inventive. Two pairs of dancers shadow each other in slow, deliberate rearrangements and manipulations of legs and torsos, only occasionally switching partners or breaking free of the formal patterning.

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