I'm a big Jeff Van Gundy fan.

Jeff Garlin is essentially my dad.

Jeff Bridges wants you to take it easy, man.

There are 100,000 versions of Jeff Goldblum.

I know Jeff Bezos because I cater at his home.

I'm always so inspired by Jeff Eastin's writing.

Do you think I really care what Jeff Gordon says?

I love watching Jeff Bridges act. He's brilliant.

Growing up, I was always a big fan of Jeff Gordon.

Jeff Buckley songs are kind of random but so catchy.

I'm a big fan of Lance Archer, Jeff Cobb, Luke Harper.

Jeff Bridges taught me a lot about how to keep a scene fresh.

Nobody can buy Jeff Greene. Nobody ever has. Nobody ever will.

Nothing could move me away from my admiration of Jeff Sessions.

I've been married for 23 years to Jeff McDonald from Redd Kross.

Jeff Bridges is one of my favorite actors in the history of ever.

Jeff was the coolest, hippest older brother I could ever dream for.

I always wanted to sound like a man, like Jeff Buckley or Tom Waits.

America is very fortunate to have Jeff Sessions as Attorney General.

I wish I could have performed with Jeff Buckley, but I missed my chance.

Jeff Bodine was saying that when he gets depressed, that he cleans house.

My personal favourite is Jeff Beck. All the others are wonderful as well.

When I boxed against Jeff Lacy, that was one fight that I was so proud of.

I've always been a Jeff Beck fan. Who isn't? He is in a league of his own.

I wish I was as smart as Jeff Bezos. He's just a large-brained space alien.

Great leaders, like Steve Jobs or Jeff Bezos, also focused on the long term.

Jeff Beck is one of my heroes and has been since I first picked up a guitar.

What I hated was doing what somebody in LA thought Jeff Foxworthy ought to do.

My brother Jeff is now my agent at Advantage International in Washington, D.C.

There are absolutely no problems that had anything to do with Jeff's departure.

I'm running because I think I'm the best candidate to take Jeff Sessions' place.

To me, Jeff Zucker is synonymous with winning. He's an incredible news executive.

Jeff Gordon came from sprint cars and obviously he knows how to win championships.

Based on my experience and record, I'm the best person to take Jeff Sessions' place.

When my good friend Jeff Sessions endorsed Donald Trump, that was good enough for me.

I think Jeff Hornacek is a very, very good basketball coach and an outstanding person.

Hi, I'm Jeff Healy of the Jeff Healy band. Don't drink and drive. I don't... you're blind!

I love Jeff Bridges. You can never go wrong with that guy. I hope to work with him one day.

Ray Evernham and Jeff Gordon and people in the garage area always put so much stake into me.

When art is defined by Damien Hirst and Jeff Koons, you've got a society that's impoverished.

I always liked 'The Last American Hero,' the one about Junior Johnson with Jeff Bridges in it.

I think if I met Frank Auerbach or Jeff Koons, I'd be more wobbly than if I met Robert De Niro!

I remember working on movies like Gettysburg and feeling that Jeff Daniels was kind of a mentor.

My favorite albumn ever is Jeff Buckley's GRACE. I feel a weird unexplainable connection to him.

Jeff knew full well what he was walking away from. Again, he needed to deal with this right away.

I've always admired Jeff Bridges. I really like how one can never get a handle on what he's doing.

I always loved the Yardbirds when I was a kid, you know; I was always into Jeff Beck and everything.

And then I got into sports and gave my guitar to my brother Jeff who was just a little kid at that time.

I used to watch MTV when they played music, and discovered Robert Cray, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Jeff Healey.

I remember, when I heard Jeff Buckley's 'Grace,' on first listen I just thought it was such a great song.

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