I don't keep a journal.

The keyboard is my journal.

Keeping a journal implies hope.

My diary seems to keep me whole.

My journal is my life's companion.

I don't journal that much, honestly.

I used to love writing in my journal.

I was an angst-y journal writing kid.

I don't have a journal; I write music.

I journal at four or five in the morning.

I love playing. The keyboard is my journal.

My best writing has always been in journals.

Fundamentally, diaries are about loneliness.

Rap was more of a release for me, a journal.

Every great thinker keeps a journal, you know.

I'm one of those people who keep a dream journal.

When my journal appears, many statues must come down.

I think a lot of journal articles should really be blogs.

Keeping a journal is like taking good care of one’s heart.

First thing I do when I get up is journal, meditate, read.

I've never managed to keep a journal longer than two weeks.

As far as my journal, I want to share tour life with my fans.

I've been keeping a journal since I was in the seventh grade.

I've always kept a journal and brought storytelling into my teaching.

I write in a journal occasionally. But it is not a daily discipline for me.

I try and journal every day, and that's where a lot of my lyric comes from.

Keeping a journal is the number-one best way to develop your written voice.

I have a little pocket journal. I just put the pen on the paper and just go.

In 2008, 'Surfer's Journal' published 'The Next Wave' image with an article.

I journal at the end of every day and just keep track of how things are going.

After the writer's death, reading his journal is like receiving a long letter.

Dennis Kucinich's politics are more scrambled than Rod Steiger's dream journal.

In the novel or the journal you get the journey. In a poem you get the arrival.

I started my career at the Wall Street Journal, before moving on to CNBC and NBC.

I never thought I'd be on the cover of the 'Atlanta Journal' unless I killed someone.

I keep all my poems in my journals and lock them away. They are the start of everything.

Murdoch paid too much for the Wall Street Journal even when he didn't have any competition.

I like to meditate, take baths at home with essential oils and salts and write in a journal.

I throw ideas out into the open when I really should just be writing them down in a journal.

My inability to stick with any journal or calendar has been a pattern for God-since-forever.

If this is what you came for, then I didn't send for you. Kafka (note to himself in journal)

If you are a natural scientist, a publication the journal Science carries enormous prestige.

I have stacks and stacks of journals. I'll change the names if I ever decide to publish them.

I still can't manage to keep a journal, and people have been telling me to since the fourth grade.

I think the word 'blog' is an ugly word. I just don't know why people can't use the word 'journal.'

A literary journal is intended to connect writer with reader; the role of the editor is to mediate.

In the journal I do not just express myself more openly than I could to any person; I create myself.

I'm always trying to figure out ways to keep hold of memories. My one-sentence journal, for instance.

I've done projects where I've read 25 books and did all kinds of journal and character work for hours.

I want to thank Vox Media, The Verge, Recode, the 'Wall Street Journal,' and CNBC for giving me a voice.

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